SickBoy said:Power metal is one of the most confusing genres IMO.
Once it was reffering to the bands such as Pantera, then Nevermore, then all of the sudden some brainiac thought it would aptly describe bands such as Stratovarius and their Xth clone...Then some tend to describe Jag Panzer and Iced Earth by that term. I mean, come on, decide already! Power metal is very meaningless description for any band...
Polyeidus said:I tend to associate time signatures other than 4/4 in songs of a metal nature with prog. That may be wrong of me but, what the hell.
SickBoy said:Here's why I DON'T take odd measures as prog for granted...
But if it's what we know to be, say, prog metal... you have to admit it. Now there are all kinds of styles in prog, and too many bands are prog wether they mean to be, or just are because of their innovations.
Good grief, I hate getting sucked into this stuff, lol.
Frankly, IMO, what you said about the musical boundries was a wide open statement. I know how prog started, but where it is today is something much harder for everyone to put their fingers on. You know?
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with some thinking one thing while others think another. Maybe this is why prog as a whole is so important. People love it but don't, and will never know, exactly what it is, other than they dig it!
Most that have been around know what's supposed to be this or isn't supposed to be that, but nine times out of ten, it never falls comfortably into one genre or another. I think it may take some kind of chosen one in the future to take a look back and scribe what is what and what is not.
Metaltastic said:Godammit, I know it's been stated, but I just have to reaffirm what my distinguished colleagues have said: wanking and time signature changes are not the only elements that make a prog band!
As for Everygrey, I have In Search of Truth and Recreation Day, and I can definately say they are dark prog-power, because of the occasional stereotypical prog element of the time signatures and technicality but far more importantly because they utterly sidestep the idiotic stereotypes of power metal (retarded lyrics, dull riffs written with no understanding that the guitar doesn't always have to dominate, and just generally bad songs) and still maintain singing vocals.
Metaltastic said:Haha, I hear ya, and your right. Getting all preachy really doesn't accomplish much, I guess I just kinda acted impulsively (But I still hate power metal!!) Thanks for the cool down chum![]()