Why Has Mike Portnoy Always Received More Accolades than Jason Rullo?

I suspect it's based on height.

On a serious note, I think Jason tends to get overshadowed by Russell and Michael. The whole band is absurdly talented, but the music is formatted for the guitars and the vocals to draw the biggest spotlight.
Meaning you don't like their style? Because they're both absurdly gifted drummers.

I don't agree. Both are standard issue rock/metal drummers. Until one plays something I can't (I never practice at all) then I'll gain respect for either of them. Neil Peart wipes the floor with both.
Good points, Zod and BenMech

@Zod: yeah, I think Russell is one of - if not the - best live vocalists EVER.
Btw, I think The Odyssey really showcases Jason's work, not just Mike and Russ's. Or..well.. his drums are at least recorded well. I'm not an expert on either subject.

@BenMech: MP's productivity is nothing short of prolific. I don't understand how he does it AND has a family AND has all his non-music hobbies. I think I read somewhere in an interview that he has some kind of hyperactivity disorder.
I don't agree. Both are standard issue rock/metal drummers. Until one plays something I can't (I never practice at all) then I'll gain respect for either of them.
You're certainly welcome to that opinion. It's one I've never heard expressed by any drummer, any where, ever. But you're welcome to it.

Neil Peart wipes the floor with both.
There are tons of drummers who actually feel Portnoy is better than Peart. Not being a drummer, I don't fully appreciate the subtleties that separate the two.
I don't agree. Both are standard issue rock/metal drummers

Really? Portnoy is "standard issue"? I know several very talented drummers and all of them respect Portnoy (never heard Rullo mentioned, though). I may be dead wrong, but whether or not you can play what they are playing doesn't necessarily mean anything. Sure you can play it once you've heard it (as any skilled drummer should), but are you creating at that level while keeping it relevant to the music?

It's a lot like Slayer's riffs on Reign In Blood. Sure people could play them, but were they actually coming up with that shit at that time? Not so much.