Why is everybody in such a hurry?


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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It seems that this world gets faster as I get older - unless, of course, I'm just getting slower.

Everybody is in such a hurry to get to the next place - WTF? I notice this while driving. The roads seem more aggressive. I'm a fast driver, and I can weave with the best of them, but I don't tailgate, and I don't purposefully try to make another driver nervous with my car.

People walk faster, bump into you , cut in front of you.

It seems that more and more people just aren't satisfied with the moment - they're in a hurry to get to the next moment.

Oh well, it's just my observation.
It's because people in general have short attention spans. It's easier to just shut your mind down, limit it to one track, and focus only on a single task or destination with little regard for all else, than to live in the moment.

Also, people (especially New Yorkers, IMHO) are arrogant and think the world revolves around them and their conserns. That's an easy perspective to take, but it gets on my nerves.
I live for the moment. You miss far too much if you're in such a rush to get from here to there. But then again I sometimes lose track of the task at hand. Hey, I got nothin but time.:)
I agree, people's attention spans really seem to get shorter. Just compare a movie from the 60s or 70s to a movie made in 2001: Unless it is an "artistic" or demanding movie (well, there are, of course, some other exceptions as well), the new movie is much faster than the old one; a good example is the difference between Star Wars Episode 4 and Episode 1...
new movie is too fast, and game is too short with too fast pace, music is too short. less enjoyable that way.
Originally posted by terrymx
and game is too short with too fast pace

Yeah man, games are waaayy to short :(
and easy

I don't like console games anymore because of this.

Whatever happened to the days of galaga and pacman where it was impossible to truly win? I miss them :(. It is so much more fun knowing that you will eventually lose no matter how good you do :). Most games nowadays pretty much gaurantee that you will win within a few hours of play... totally lame.

Maybe this is why I am still so addicted to playing quake1 (clan arena) online. The whole essence of it is not to beat the game and see the ending sequence, but instead to get the highest frag count :grin:. And death is always right around the corner.
After reading the above statements....

The general population ( at least in America) is stupid. All these brainless movies, television shows, pop music, and easy console games they've been pumping in to us has made people dumber and dumber. They (who ever they are) want the American public to be doctile and misinformed, all the American citizen should do is pay taxes (on everything) and buy, buy , buy. Capitilism sucks.

As far as the people in a hurry thing goes, I don't know about that.... I live far from anything that might be called a city so I don't have to worry about city traffic My problem is the opposite....People here in idiotville drive insanely slow all of the time.....This little town i'm trapped in has some horrible traffic. No one drives over 25mph except for that bastard behind you with his brights on.
Originally posted by Hail Eris!
After reading the above statements....

The general population ( at least in America) is stupid. All these brainless movies, television shows, pop music, and easy console games they've been pumping in to us has made people dumber and dumber. They (who ever they are) want the American public to be doctile and misinformed, all the American citizen should do is pay taxes (on everything) and buy, buy , buy. Capitilism sucks.

As far as the people in a hurry thing goes, I don't know about that.... I live far from anything that might be called a city so I don't have to worry about city traffic My problem is the opposite....People here in idiotville drive insanely slow all of the time.....This little town i'm trapped in has some horrible traffic. No one drives over 25mph except for that bastard behind you with his brights on.

Remember the movie with Roddy Piper - They Live!? Maybe that's who "they" are - aliens who have been here - settling in, taking their time with us, slowly but surely taking us over. Maybe a year to us is but a minute to them.

As for the city thing - if you have nothing to do with a city, you probably don't see and feel directly the effects of this world speeding up. But it is. It's not just about traffic, people pushing, etc. Think of technology - go back only 20 years : holy crap!!! Things have changed REAL FAST.
Hell, life's too short to stand and smell the roses. If I want to get somewhere, I'm gonna do it as fast as I can. And if there is something worthwhile along the way, I'll stop for that. I don't see the point in walking slowly through downtown Toronto, since it's an overcrowded, polluted, ugly and depressing place to be. I'm sure not taking my time there, I want to do what I have to and get out!
I think it's the opposite. Life is short so you should stop and smell the roses. I know that eventually I, like everyone else, will die. Though I'd like to think it will be when I'm old and gray, I honestly have no idea when my life will end.

Which is why I don't see the point in living your life in a rat race. Wasting so much precious time. It's like eating a meal you know may be your last, but eating it so fast you don't even taste it. Utterly pointless. So I like to live in the moment and enjoy whatever I can.
Damn straight Belial...I dunno, I enjoy stopping and appreciating things (or kicking back at night with the lights out listening to Kveldsjanger) and things of that nature. The "fast" people die youn, or end up miserable...
Originally posted by transfixed

Yeah man, games are waaayy to short :(
and easy

I don't like console games anymore because of this.

Whatever happened to the days of galaga and pacman where it was impossible to truly win? I miss them :(. It is so much more fun knowing that you will eventually lose no matter how good you do :). Most games nowadays pretty much gaurantee that you will win within a few hours of play... totally lame.

Maybe this is why I am still so addicted to playing quake1 (clan arena) online. The whole essence of it is not to beat the game and see the ending sequence, but instead to get the highest frag count :grin:. And death is always right around the corner.

I know what you mean. The old games had so many levels no one could truly "master" them. They just forced you to get better and faster the more you played them. Galaga would get freaky at the high levels. :eek: :eek: :eek:
Originally posted by Belial
I think it's the opposite. Life is short so you should stop and smell the roses. I know that eventually I, like everyone else, will die. Though I'd like to think it will be when I'm old and gray, I honestly have no idea when my life will end.

Which is why I don't see the point in living your life in a rat race. Wasting so much precious time. It's like eating a meal you know may be your last, but eating it so fast you don't even taste it. Utterly pointless. So I like to live in the moment and enjoy whatever I can.

It seems you're referring to my statement, so.....
Life is short. Thus, we don't want to sit around and do the all the little things everyone else does. I assume you want to do the things you would want to do. That's why it seems stupid. Hell, I don't want to smell the roses, I want to see the mountain to the west! The things that are important to me get my attention. Anything I don't want gets pushed out of the way quickly. So, in certain situations, you be stupid not to live life fast............