Why is everyone buying HS80M's?


Nov 27, 2010
General consensus around this forum is: HS80's are the best monitors for the money and this heavily influenced my decision to buy a set. I wish I never did, they have an ear peircing siblance about them and are very scooped sounding. My friend recently bought a set of Yamaha MSP5's and I was intrigued. Very flat, very accurate, and they translate beautifully. I liked them enough infact that I bought a set of the big brother Yamaha MSP7's. I was blown away when I A/B'd them against the HS80's. The HS80's sound like listening speakers up against the MSP7's and they wear my ears out very quickly. If you are in the market for a set of budget monitors, do yourself a favor and get the MSP7's. They are only about $100 more than the HS80's and there is no comparison between the two.
so you got the HS80 without checkin them out with your own ears beforehand?

Well I checked them out at Guitar Center against everything else. They didn't compare to the A7's or the Dynaudio's but then again they are in two different price ranges and I couldn't afford them. My guitar center does not carry the MSP's so I had no way of demoing them or I would have bought them in the first place.
I agree with your assessment of the HS80's sound. It was too harsh for me to listen to for any real length of time. I liked the ADAMs far better.

It is hard to tell much listening in Guitar Center's shitty room but the Adams sounded hyped on the really high end. They have an airyness about them that comes off as "Crystal Clear". I think this could give you a false impression about the clarity of your mixes. They also seemed to distort pretty easily at moderate volumes. I could have been listening to a damaged set though, who knows. I'm not knocking the Adams in any way, just sharing my thoughts on them.
My flatmate has some Adam A5s and I have a set of HS80s. As for the Adams I'm not used to them but I notice a tamer bass response but an amazing stereo image, so sound real wide compared to my yammies.

The thing I love about the HS80s is that my crappy mixes do tend to translate on other speakers pretty well and I'm not there listening on my hi-fi speakers or in the car going 'f**k! that sounded 100 times better on my monitors' so imo thats a good thing. It took me a good few months to get used to them and hopefully I'll get a bit of time on my flatmates Adams so I will be able to see if its ever worth the extra cash.
I love my HS50's. Translate really well so I never get any weird surprises when I move to other systems. I'd like to hear the 80's to compare as I'd hope that they're similar, just with a better low end extension.

Deffo didn't get them because of the NS10 association. I hate NS10's with a passion!
I absolutely love my HS80s. But everyone's ears are different. And of course it takes some time getting used to ANY set of monitors, no matter the room or the quality of the speakers. But my stuff always translates near perfectly on other systems, and that's really all that matters. I'm happy.
it takes some time getting used to ANY set of monitors, no matter the room or the quality of the speakers.

This should never be the case. Good monitors are the ones you can set and forget period
I probably like mine because I haven't heard the A8X's yet :lol:

But I like how I get my mixes to translate with them, especially the mids seem easier to sculpt than on some other monitors I've mixed on. And that's without using the 2dB mid boost.
Strange. My college had msp7s and they were definitely more scooped than any hs80ms ive ever heard. A/B'd the two side by side as well. That aside, i dislike both monitors.

They must have had the switches on the back seriously tweaked! I tested them side by side with all the switches on the flat setting.
I love my HS80's :) They are a bit sharp sounding, but they have great bass response (in my treated room) and are by far the best "lowend" monitors. Translate great on other systems.