Well, as I was buying my hs80's i had a chance to compare to msp5's (meh, sounded like a toys'r'us version of a monitor)
LMAO. GTFO! I can see that some of you don't understand that an accurate monitor and a "good" sounding monitor are 2 different things.
gixxsta04: I have to ask, so please don't take offense... Is your room treated?
Where did I call your monitors toys?
Yes, I have 2'x4' bass traps made from 4" OC703 in every corner of my room and spanning the ceiling/wall joints. Maybe the HS80's could be helpful to those with untreated rooms due to their huge low end response. Personally I would never try to compensate the room with different monitors. I'd go straight to the problem and install acoustic treatment.
Another thing I'd like to mention about the HS80 Vs MSP7 is this:
The port holes are on the back of the HS80s. This means the bass hits the wall before it hits your ear. We all know that reflections are bad. The ports on the MSP7's are on the front for what its worth.
Sorry man, I quoted the wrong user.
LMAO. GTFO! I can see that some of you don't understand that an accurate monitor and a "good" sounding monitor are 2 different things.
Maybe the HS80's could be helpful to those with untreated rooms due to their huge low end response.
Maybe the HS80's could be helpful to those with untreated rooms due to their huge low end response.
nope makes the problem even worse.
You can kindly get the fuck out of here yourself.
I can understand that the msp's might be more accurate (and so are ns10) but my ears went with the hs80's and so be it, haven't heard from anyone that my mixes sound bad, so get lost.
btw. now i remembered that those were msp3's not msp5's, still not a reason for beeing an a'hole