Why is it that just us become "biased" =(


Latin, NOT Mexican.
Oct 11, 2001
My House.
I am really looking at things and everyone on several places talks bad about Dark Tranquillity and anyone of us who points something good about DT imediatly becomes biased, WTF in that case this forum is the LEAST BIASED towards their fav band compared to the pricks at opeth or the retards at Inflames forums. This is really getting me upset

Misanthrope ( who is not biased and doesnt thinks as DT as godlike, just as great artists )
difficult question. but in the case of the IF and O forums, i think it's just because "they" are big and "we" are small. they don't need to defend their music in other forums as their own is so fat that they can't even manage to read all "their" threads. on the contrary, users of small forums usually accept influences from the outside more openly (my personal view). so if we let one user of each fraction face each other, maybe the one of the big forum never bothered about other's opinions and doesn't really want to argue about tastes. but this seems to be essential for small-sized-forum-users, because they always have to introduce and / or defend "their" band towards others. but the "big" one doesn't want to hear all this, beacuse it doesn't matter for him/her. he /she has his/her mind set and no one will change it. maybe he/she even has no idea who dt is, actually, and what music they play.

so in the end big one would say about small one
"he's so fucken argumentative, i don't wanna hear all this, in fact he's biased all the way, and i don't need this." (sure he is, as is everyone using a band forum).

other way round, the small would say about big:
"he's so fucken ignorant, doesn't even hear what i say, asshole."

just a guess. but the others are always worse :)
@misanthrope: this one is definitely the least prejudiced board on ultimatemetal. on a few others, band discussion is so rare that they're not biased simply because they're mostly only chatting away their day quite happily. :)

i don't mind about the opeth or in flames forums at all. no matter how big they are, i know there's a world outside that appreciates dt's qualities and that's enough not to make me feel frustrated.

The Opeth board is full of elitist's...The In Flames message board is full of retards..I mainly post on the Opeth board(I am beginning to wonder why)..I don't even think I have been noticed there...I wish more people were interested in The Crown...I want to post there more but nothing much goes on..(It may be how alot of people feel.)
@texasfriedcriminal: posting around her is a mean, mean thing to do even in the best of circumstances. :D

i seem to recall you're an ethilist, too. ;)

rahvin. (happy to be a poster in a chosen thread)
Originally posted by rahvin
i'm not biased, it's just you all who are genetically inclined to speak silly absurdities. :p


I think I join you in that category :rolleyes:

I think the main think they have 'against' us is because they see DT as a threat and like many have mentioned the people at O, are pretty much ignorant in their elitism, I don't think you should get mad about it tho, maybe we should feel sorry for them.
Originally posted by NicktheClayman
Misanthrope I dont appreciate being called names, I enjoy the IF forum, well not too much anymore thsoe fuckers over there make me wanna kill.

I'll second that. If you don't want to be considered biased, then you shouldn't be so judgemental. Yeah, there are a few assholes on both of those forums, but not everyone is...there are people who like Opeth and/or In Flames but aren't obsessed with them (and if they were, who cares? let them like what they want)
Originally posted by TexasFriedCriminal

uhm.. rahvin :
I know this is not really an elite question to ask, but wth is an ethilist ?

someone whose alcoholic habits set him apart from the rest of the crowd. :)
in short, a man/woman who drinks a lot.

rahvin. (learning from experience)
Hmm...I post quite a lot to Opeth board, mainly because it's the fastest board (of bands which I listen to) and..well...I'm just too bored nowadays and there are some "funny" stuff...and maybe it's the only board where I feel welcome....I admit that there's a lot of shit going around, it's not like it used to be. And I wish it could be like it was on the "good old days" (tho I wasn't from the beginning). But I think we have pretty much discussed about everything, new album is what we need.
There was a time when I was obsessed about Opeth but I still liked other bands too, like DT, I've been listening to them longer than Opeth. Now Opeth is just a band among the others, tho they mean a lot to me, as do many other bands.
Originally posted by NovemberFrost

I'll second that. If you don't want to be considered biased, then you shouldn't be so judgemental. Yeah, there are a few assholes on both of those forums, but not everyone is...there are people who like Opeth and/or In Flames but aren't obsessed with them (and if they were, who cares? let them like what they want)

Then you 2 explain to me why are you here. Is not just some people is nearly everyone in the O and intrends forums, nearly all.