Why praise God? Question to the Band

IOfTheStorm said:
My opinion : ALL ethical "laws" people have and all moral beliefs come from religion. QUOTE]

It is good that you said: "My opinion", because this saying of yours isn't based on historical facts at all. Just for common knowledge: there are documantations of ancient laws and rulls (Egyptian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian and etc.) which are not based on religion, and that are a lot older than the documentations of Hebrew laws. Laws and rules come from man's needs, not from god (my opinion).

You see, that is one of the problems of religion: the leaders and the believers tend to "close their eyes" to many facts, becuase these facts might shatter the world that they have build around themselves. They find all kinds of laim excuses and rediculos answers to justify their beliefs. I love myself and life too much than to waste them on false lights.

Anyhow, religion holds many treasures within it in indeed, and you can find high moral values in it, and I saw many people who used it in order to get out of hard situations, so, in my book, it is not all negative afterall.

In the book of Genesis God said that he wouldn't destroy the cities Sodom and Gommora if he finds there 10 righteous men. I think that there is a lesson that can be learned here, and even if there are 10 possitive things about religion - we shouldn't condemn it or those who practice it.
Orphaned Matti said:
IOfTheStorm said:
My opinion : ALL ethical "laws" people have and all moral beliefs come from religion. QUOTE]

It is good that you said: "My opinion", because this saying of yours isn't based on historical facts at all. Just for common knowledge: there are documantations of ancient laws and rulls (Egyptian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian and etc.) which are not based on religion, and that are a lot older than the documentations of Hebrew laws. Laws and rules come from man's needs, not from god (my opinion).
I spoke about ethical laws, which is different from social laws. Ethical laws are someone's personal beliefs about his attitude towards others, the documentations you say are (as you said) about needs and how a society might work. There is a difference between ethical standards/morality, and laws and rules of a country/nation/empire. The whole "just be a good person, love other people, be a good friend, give to the poor," imo is based in things some religions spoke about, as i explain it in my previous thread. Things that we now see them as STANDARD GOOD BEHAVIOR towards others were only a dream (or lunacy) before someone (Jesus, Allah, Buddha, ANYONE) spoke about them. Sumerians (or Assyrians) even did human sacrifices for their gods, because their religion asked this.
Emalaith: I understand where you find the ideas that seem wrong to you in religion. I think that in every religion its not hard to find such ideas.
I can tell you that in each religion you`ll find contridictions like the one you showned is
in Christianity.

The idea here is that people with good will have shapen religion, and religion should fit itself to the living, and since life is full of contrasts, so will religion be- because its a pert of life, or even a window to life style. Every man is full of contridictions.

Look at G.W. Bush: right now he`s a figur people mock at, yet if you examine the war in Afghanistan, you`ll find that what he did was, in a way, saving humans and human respect.
Woman were turtured to death under the Taliban control. woman and gay people were tortured and slayed in a soccer stadium, and why? because they might be seeking for freedom, and thats nothing the blinding taliban wanted. so they killed thousands each year in public. they cancelled every bit of humanity of the woman and freedom seekers in odd claims that are far from what the holy Koran suggest.

Now people mock bush for taking over iraq and capturing saddam.
people tened to enjoy stories about "good uncle saddam" while forgetting the sights of over 100000 kurd`s bodies, mostly woman and children, layed on the country side roads as a horror exhibition for the amusment of the leader.
and the people who call bush a killer forget the racist and violant books written by saddam against jews, christians, africans and sinner muslims. above all people forget that this person is leading a huge country with a huge nation.

Im not claiming that bush is any good or bad (and I care little about politics!) - im just giving an example for the way people see reality in their comfortable way...
I don't think that this thread is the reason for a ruined night you had Thanatopsis123. It's just the way that some people express their beliefs and knowlegde, their opinions, their thoughts. It is an open democratic dialogue. A conversation far from selfinterests and hate. Thanks.
Hello (Folklore) Avi,

I dont agree with you. If you look back to 1985s, you will see that USA was supporting Taliban against USSR and they were giving the weapons to them. I dont think that USA cares about Afghan womans, humans and anything else. If USA was want, they could capture Ladin. They started a war against Taliban for some reasons under the name of global terror. Not for caring Afghan people. And there was terror all over the world since years. It is not a new term. We lost 30000 Turkish people by PKK terror. And PKK was using American & Russian weapons provided by USA (the country against terror) & Russia... They are sophisticated political subjects.

Lets speak music :)

...with Love
Ok you`re right, lets talk music! but before that i`ll just say one last thing: I see woman abuse as a sort of terror, so dose the other systems of the taliban - cultural terror upon the poor afghans folks. about the PKK: no dubet its a terror org! but that dosent mean all kurds are terrorists, and if there`s a terrorism problem, the iraqis should`ve treat it on the military levels, and not killing poor peasents and children. both the PKK and the Taliban were used by the american as an instrument in the cold war as we know, and after they were created or supported, they because a problem to their masters (i.e. USA). So you cant say the cold war was a good thing :confused:

lets talk music
How the hell this thread became about politic?
Didnt we all agreed not to duscuss this issues here?
Didnt we agreed that it's a never ending circle that only creates conflicts?

Let us all be a people of love, friendship and giving, leave the rest, it's a manipulation that blend our mind.
Hey (Dreamcell) Chris,

You are right. Orphaned Land antidote to everything.

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