Why the Hell are DEVILDRIVER going to be touring with Opeth and Moonspell?

I haven't heard DevilDriver yet..I don't plan on listening to them until the concert.. but from I'm hearing they're not very good. I would've liked to see Kataklysm

what kind of name is DevilDriver anyway?
Devildriver aren't a real good choice.

But I don't mind that one song I saw on the TV.

Even though Dez shits me off, the drumming was ok (and the drummer had a devil lock style hair cut which I found cool), and the bassist used his fingers (as opposed to pick players), which is some sort of progression (though, they were going to use a Double Bass for the bassist, obviously that didn't happen).

Still, pretty numetally.

I don't see how they fit on the tour.
Rottuated said:
Why is this band touring with Opeth and Moonspell? Why wasn't Kataklysm selected? This is a fucking joke...

Opeth, Kataklysm and Moonspell? Add Dimmu Borgir to that and you'd have my dream tour. Its a damn shame that Kataklysm gets no respect for ruling as much as they do. Devildriver sucks ass from what I've heard.
Devildriver is a very numetalish band with dez from coal chamber. I havent heard Kataklysm yet (but im going to go check them out) so i cant say anything about them. DD doesnt deserve to go on tour with two amazing bands, especially one of my favorite bands, Opeth.
promotions wise, its a good choice. cuz like someone said above, they will bring a big market of nu metal fans. also, they are currently on tour with super joint ritual. they are getting alot of attention right now (for some reason, im not sure why). so for a marketing standpoint, its a plan to increase heads. and it will succeed.

think of it this way, this is your chance to kick the ever living shit out of some nu metal faggots
genocide roach said:
think of it this way, this is your chance to kick the ever living shit out of some nu metal faggots
I agree! Happy kicking to the real metalheads who will go to the shows :)

But: The very THOUGHT of Dez :puke: :puke:
They make me want to drive a screwdriver into my forehead....horrible.
genocide roach said:
think of it this way, this is your chance to kick the ever living shit out of some nu metal faggots
That happened to me at a Morbid Angel show. For some reason, a bunch of nu-metal lamers turned up to the show. Needless to say, every single one of them had their ass liberally beaten.
Rottuated said:
Why is this band touring with Opeth and Moonspell? Why wasn't Kataklysm selected? This is a fucking joke...

Probably because all of the bands are utterly populist and are likely to appeal to the same fanbase. They differ only on a superficial level.

If your beady eyes are now beginning to bulge out of your mishapen head, and your 3 neurons are smashing against one another generating your first thought in weeks, and that thought relates to lambasting me with pejoratives because I've "pigeon-holed the great Opeth in the same category as nu metal and my statement is an opinion, not a fact"; don't waste my time. I won't mention your time because if I've just described your reaction, your time is probably of little value.
Demiurge said:
Probably because all of the bands are utterly populist and are likely to appeal to the same fanbase. They differ only on a superficial level.

If your beady eyes are now beginning to bulge out of your mishapen head, and your 3 neurons are smashing against one another generating your first thought in weeks, and that thought relates to lambasting me with pejoratives because I've "pigeon-holed the great Opeth in the same category as nu metal and my statement is an opinion, not a fact"; don't waste my time. I won't mention your time because if I've just described your reaction, your time is probably of little value.
:err: *rolls eyes*

No, it's because I don't like them and they don't fit the fucking tour. Kataklysm on the other hand, WOULD fit the tour, and I like them.
Demiurge said:
Probably because all of the bands are utterly populist and are likely to appeal to the same fanbase. They differ only on a superficial level.

If your beady eyes are now beginning to bulge out of your mishapen head, and your 3 neurons are smashing against one another generating your first thought in weeks, and that thought relates to lambasting me with pejoratives because I've "pigeon-holed the great Opeth in the same category as nu metal and my statement is an opinion, not a fact"; don't waste my time. I won't mention your time because if I've just described your reaction, your time is probably of little value.

Because we all know how time is such a valuable commodity to you, with you posting on a message board and all. Your preconceived response to other people overracting to your statements is almost amusing to the extent of how impactful you hold your comments to be in the eyes of other people. Then again, this reponsive post I've just made most likely validates the reason you made that side-tracked paragraph in the first place. So for that, I commend your insightful perception and smugness.
InFlames101 said:
Because we all know how time is such a valuable commodity to you, with you posting on a message board and all. Your preconceived response to other people overracting to your statements is almost amusing to the extent of how impactful you hold your comments to be in the eyes of other people. Then again, this reponsive post I've just made most likely validates the reason you made that side-tracked paragraph in the first place. So for that, I commend your insightful perception and smugness.

I am at home with the flu. This renders my time less valuable. That said, it's inevitably more valuable than the time of fanboys.

You misinterpreted the second paragraph. I wasn't referring to my impactful nature, but rather the pugnaciousness and stupidity of the typical Opeth fanboy.