why the logo change?


Dec 13, 2003
Fort Worth, TX
If this hasn’t been asked before...probably has: Why did Katatonia not use their logo and use the plain, Ariel type of lettering? I guess I could understand the end of the first logo...kind of an end to the doom metal sound but their sound hasn't dramatically changed. Yet I saw a T-Shirt with the usual logo they've used for years that had the album art...but old logo.
after reading an interview, I found the reason to my question. Even though I can't stand any bands that don't have the lyrics in the album. but hell..it's an exception to the rule for this one.

E.B. - Yeah, he did! Travis Smith said that the old logo had been replaced because it didn’t fit the artwork well. Will the old and famous logo remain in your shows and future albums or will it be changed?

Anders - We have absolutely not scrapped the logo. It just didn't fit for this album because we wanted the music, lyrics, images and layout, yeah everything to be as cold as possible. A simple clean font written in a direct line created a much more colder and intriguing impact to the rest of the cover which the logo failed to do. However, the logo will still appear on stuff like merchandise, stage props, and on everything where the font version is not required. Should be cool.
umm I don't know what cd you own but tgcd has lyrics in the booklet, and the answer is yes they're going to keep their logo. maybe you're talking about the singles.
Anders - We have absolutely not scrapped the logo. It just didn't fit for this album because we wanted the music, lyrics, images and layout, yeah everything to be as cold as possible. A simple clean font written in a direct line created a much more colder and intriguing impact to the rest of the cover which the logo failed to do. However, the logo will still appear on stuff like merchandise, stage props, and on everything where the font version is not required. Should be cool.
This is definitely true.