Why your signature?

Exactly. Because.

*turns head to look over shoulder in case catfish are watching*

If you question them, they will find you. You cannot question the power of the catfish. Wha-what the? NOOOOOOO!!!! Not the FAAAAAAACE!!!

*sound of wild thrashing and splashes of water, followed by explosions*
Governtment hasnt taken anything from mem yet. Cept some tax money. I agree we're run by morons but fuck man. If you're so pissed at the country lead a fucking revolt instead of whining on the internet. Making anti american governments pics with Photoshop makes you a true rebel.
I am not whining on the internet about it. I havent started a thread or drawn attention to it at all. This thread proved to be a place to showcase it. Its just a signature to something I believe is slowly happening.