
I belive IF has a gig in Gothenburg coming up. As for DT, I wanna see all my favorite bands live because I most likely wont, its just a dream :(
It seems that way in my area too....Only for a few bands....

Mainly, ABSU....

They're one of the most popular Dallas,Texas bands and they never even play here......I've talked to several Europeans that would kill to see Absu, but they'll probably never get the chance. Heh, my bass player use to jam with good 'ole "Postmaster Magoo" from Absu....FRom what I've heard, the guys a total dick!
Originally posted by phyre
Oh, but all the Swedish bands like Katatonia and Opeth are just running around all around Europe, _EXCEPT_ in their homecountry.

And except for GREECE.... :( :cry:
at least i've seen DarkTranq (twice) and The Haunted (thrice)

but I'll never see Opeth as I never saw In The Woods...
yep, that's something I've never understood Phyre....
why don't Swedish bands tour in Sweden XDDDD
I mean, there are so many bands, that there must be audience (even if they are from other bands who listen :p) so I can't understand....
If there wasn't a metal scene in Sweden there wouldn't be so many bands up there...so I can't find a logic answer to that...
here the bands we have tour quite regularly in Spain....odd
Final Vision thats just it In Flames sure they are really good at playing there instruments but I want something more I wannt a feeling behind it and the one Im looking for aint in In Flames anymore. Last I heared Dark Tranquillity had it so I would much rather see them live I mean they both live in Mölndal and know oneanother why always In Flames?