wich cd's did you bought

marginalé said:
Stijn???? :err:

about Zita Swoon Stef Camil Carlens is :worship: but i prefered the work he did with dEUS
'In A Bar Under The Sea' :worship: :headbang: amazing album, check it out folks ..
hmm i love his moondog jr. stuff. (oooh when we were 15 and singing the songs along the river... ripping pictures out of magazines and put them next to our beds...) i don't like his voice anymore after that. i know he makes good songs but there's something missing. i hardly listened to life= a sexy sanctuary...
i really like his instrumental stuff tough (plage tattoo & sunrise)

i used to buy all his stuff, and i was thinking bout the girls album cause it got good critics. what do you think about it alwin? i'll try to download some songs first i think.

sigh. i dont buy albums anymore. it's a pity in a way, but having a good computer, a fast connection just lets me discover much more than i ever can by blindly buying albums.
This month:
Dark Tranquillity - Character
Kreator - Enemy Of God
Necare - Ruin
My Shameful - Of Dust
LST - Down Without End
Celestial Season - Solar Lovers (finally also on cd)
Darkwell - Metatron
Siegfried - Eisenwinter
+ promos I got
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Midnattsol - Where Dwilight Dwells
Visions Of Atlantis - Morning in Atlantis
Draconian - Arcane Rain Fell
+ a cd a friend burned me (I'll buy it when it comes out)
Scar Symmetry - Symmetric in Design
hmm... you've exceeded your of allotment huvvy muttal cds for this month, please buy only proper music next month or you may incur a financial penalty
siderea said:
i used to buy all his stuff, and i was thinking bout the girls album cause it got good critics. what do you think about it alwin? i'll try to download some songs first i think.
I like it very much. The songs are kept small (no disco, a lot accoustic), some of them have french lyrics and some female vocals are added too. It's a sweet album, although it's not as original as the first Zita Swoon. Some songs just beg you to sing along.
Bambi said:
hmm... you've exceeded your of allotment huvvy muttal cds for this month, please buy only proper music next month or you may incur a financial penalty

i was gonna say that. dragonlady dont you sometimes get the feeling that youre like sorta kinda stuck in that ONE scene?
bender the offender said:
oh please speak out, drunken guys and kids always say the truth. :Spin:

Doesn't he have a public image to uphold? BLAH BLAH BLAH, falling down drunk on the sidewalk and everything. It's pathetic. He really should be in 12-step. He's an embarrassment...aside from being a fuckin' asshole.