Will you buy "Dance of Death" album immediatly ?

Will you buy "Dance of Death" album immediatly ?

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As I said over on the n00b board, I'll be waiting til I hear it before I buy it. I try not to make the same mistake twice.
Let's see how Maiden new album sell among the BBers here.

Your comments are welcome as usual :)

Judging by the mp3 going around earlier i'll save my money for the next Jag Panzer album. Iron Maiden's been out of the game for over a decade, its time to give the young new bands a chance;
dreamwatch said:
I'm lucky because I know that Mark will get it. However, if he wasn't a Maiden fan then I would wait to hear a few tracks before buying it. Gone are the days when I just blindly buy albums because they are by a band I like. They have to be worthy of my hard earned cash. :)

sounds like me. after all the money i spent on RIR-it aint bad, but if i had heard it ahead of time i wouldnt have spent the money on it.

ARMORED SAINT i'll still grab 1st chance i get though.