William Shatner - The crux in modern psychological warfare


Bathrobed Architect
Dec 17, 2008
Was up to reading my daily tech news when I came across this gem:

http://www.fudzilla.com/content/view/14842/1/ -

Greenpeace attacks HP, quite literally

Graffiti on the roof, Shatner on the phone

Greenpeace eco-mentalists have managed to climb on top of HP's main building in Palo Alto, California, and paint a huge "Hazardous Products" sign on the roof.

Activists are cross about HP's broken promises on eliminating toxic chemicals used in its products by the end of 2009. They took their time painting the sign, and apparently managed to cover 11,500 square feet of HP's roof, that's about twice the size of an average basketball court. Of course, they used non-toxic children's finger paint to put their message across.

As if this wasn't enough, Greenpeace unleashed William Shatner against unsuspecting HP employees. A number of HP employees apparently received voice mail messages from Shatner, but it's unclear if he was singing at the time. We hope not.

Nothin' like using the SHATMAN to give those corporate bastards a good voicemail raping and instill fear amongst the workforce. Another job well done, hippies! (And yes, the toxic-free finger paint to spray the message made me shit my pants too).
It's a waste of time for HP to listen to an organization like Greenpeace, and it's a waste of time for Greenpeace to do such a thing.

They should have written "Hey HP pass the cheese for our whine". Budum-pshhhhh....