Win anthrax tickets - LONDON


low key
Oct 21, 2002
ok before i was moaning about no reunion show in london, which seeing how the thrax boys go on about loving the astoria so much, i thought was pretty weird............

turns out, they ARE now playing the astoria on the 13th of june.......... BUT...... and this is where is gets bent......... you cant buy tickets for the show......... cos they are headlining the metal hammer awards show....which is invite only.........

BWAAAAAAAAah haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa :( not only is this invite oonly........ but its an awards show, so it will be FILLED with music industry cocksuckers, bellend journos, record label bellends and blood sucking mofo's.........way to kill the atmos at the astoria thats fer sure.....

aaaaanyhoo, the upshot is.........that the only way of getting a ticket is to "win" one......... so if you wanna go ( which i desperately do, purely for anthrax doing a headline set... i hate awards shows)

you have to go here click on the link to the side, and then the how to get tickets link.....and basically they just want you to vote for the awards ( which by the way are super super gay, whats the point of having an award where there is only 5 options and they are all shit bands?!?!!? )....anyhoo 5 questions later and thats it, you are in the draw for this awards show

one award i a can gaurantee is that anthrax will defo get the lifetime award to metal or summin like that, they wouldnt be there otherwise ( note all options in the drop down menus are bands on tour in the uk at the time of the "award" show......... BUT DAMN DO THEY DESERVE IT !

, be a lot of crap to put up with , but with thrax on at the end, twill be worth the wait, shadows fall are good live too......

good luck to you,i hope i win a ticket, and i hope you do too......i got everyman and his dog of my mates better get summin !!!

why cant i just pay !!!!!................ feckin stoopid metal hammer
i gotta say i would much much rather go to a real anthrax gig at the barrowlands than some corporate shindig....i worked in the music industry for a couple of years and its horrendous, worst.industry.ever. ...the twats at that london show woont give two fucks who is on stage.......

but i am soooooooooooooo skint, the dole aint great for getting to scotland and back on..........