Winamp harshness?


Feb 20, 2005
Just downloaded Winamp and got all my media imported into it in preparation of making it my primary media player. However, I've been using it over the past few days, and I feel like everything is just a bit harsher than WMP; sure enough, listening to Daath's "The Concealers" alternating back and forth between the players, everything felt slightly but noticeably harsher in Winamp, so I guess I'll be sticking with WMP after all! (and no way will I use itunes on PC, it's way too slow)
Pretty sure Garth was telling me the other week how he prefered the sound of Winamp, no idea whats up with that, I naturally assumed all players sounded the same.
Yeah, I did too (assumed all players sounded the same)

Oh, and obviously the first thing I did in both programs was check to make sure there was no equalizer on, and as far as I could tell with both, there wasn't ("EQ Enabled" in Winamp was unchecked, and the EQ enhancement in WMP was turned off)
Kinda always coming back to Winamp, with the very basic old skin. I like how fast it indexes even quite big collections, that's what made me prefer it to Foobar 2000 (I don't like media libraries). Sometimes using some post-processing plugins. But when turned off, I can't notice a difference to WMP.

Marcus, the differences you're experiencing could be down to different codecs (and their settings). For example, WMP uses the Fraunhofer codec for mp3 while Winamp uses a proprietary codec from Nullsoft.

Here´s the limiter check box. On the "playback" tab there´s also a dither checkbox that you may want to disable.
I like winamp because of its media library and ipod support, but I really hate how they´re turning this product into a piece of shit over the years. Adding countless useless functions, making a incredibly tricky instal setup where you have to check carefully what exactly are you installing. There are so many stupid functions on Winamp that I get pissed of even thinking about them.
Thanks Narco (and Plankis), I found it and disabled it, though I'm afraid I'm too high to objectively compare between it and WMP at the present moment, so I think it'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if it made a difference :lol:
If different players sound different to you for any reason - you can always record their output and do the invert phase mix nullification test.

If it nullifies to -infinity dB...

Then it is placebo.

ps. Ofc for the test use wav files not mp3.
Hmmm.... Well I checked my Winamp, songs sound the same playing through it or Reaper, so mine must be better.:heh:
I have been using Winamp 2.95 for several years. It has everything I need and nothing I don't.

Anyway, if needed, I think you can get a free version of Electri-Q that comes as a Winamp plugin. I use it and it rocks, but I got it so long ago I don't remember if it was free or not.
I have been using Winamp 2.95 for several years. It has everything I need and nothing I don't.

Anyway, if needed, I think you can get a free version of Electri-Q that comes as a Winamp plugin. I use it and it rocks, but I got it so long ago I don't remember if it was free or not.

Or you can use this wonderful plugin with any vst effect or even effect chainer you like.