Windham Hell


Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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I just got Windham Hell's '99 album yesterday, and, while I am impressed, I fail to see the genius hinted at by everyone else. Am I missing something? Or is their new one (the one I've been hearing so much about) so much better than their '99 release? I love the guitar work, but the production was annoying as hell and the songs were fairly interchangable....please help me out!
That is their newest album. They're not exactly what I'd call "song oriented," and their albums have always worked better in totality than as individual tracks. In truth, they really aren't songs in and of themselves anyway, more like movements in a symphony. They really don't seem to be intended to stand on their own for the most part.

While I think the production suits what they do perfectly, if you don't like the sound on Reflexive Depths Imbibe, you won't like it on any of the other discs. It's that same very subdued rhythm guitar and wispy drum sound juxtaposed against the very clean, crisp lead sound. It's very much a signature for them.
I'll definitely be giving it more listens, as I am a total guitar nerd. My main problem isn't the overall sound production, but mainly that snare drum, which comes out SO loud against the other assured, though, I will not close my mind to this. Very interesting and the soloing is amazing...thanks for the info....