Windham Hell


New Metal Member
Feb 19, 2004
I've checked out a few mp3s from this band, and I've been extremely impressed with their music. The lyrics, also, are extremely cool; abstract and weird, rather like the music itself. For anyone who hasn't heard them, I recommend you check them out. And to anyone who's a fan; what albums do you recommend?
^They are listed on metal archives, I use that as a jump point to their website.

They are one of the most interesting bands around lately, and are at times technically astounding. Really really worth investing in.
I was downloading 3 of their albums at once a few weeks back but the users I was d/l from were terribly slow and only one of the albums had decent production, which I think was 'South Facing Epitaph', but I could be wrong.
Oceanic Motion said:
I was downloading 3 of their albums at once a few weeks back but the users I was d/l from were terribly slow and only one of the albums had decent production, which I think was 'South Facing Epitaph', but I could be wrong.
The only full length you were downloading then was "South Facing Epitaph", as it's their first label release. You might have been getting demos as well.
Worm-Infested Intestinal Tract said:
What genre are they. I kind of pictured them as ambient black-ish metal, but I'm probably incorrect.
They are ambient, although closer to the DM side of things. Only sparse use of vocals.
Charubic Murder said:
The only full length you were downloading then was "South Facing Epitaph", as it's their first label release. You might have been getting demos as well.
No, I was downloading 'South Facing Epitaph', 'Windows of Souls' and 'Reflective Depths Imbibe'.

I can't remember which one sounded the best but I deleted them as I couldn't be bothered to wait for the rest of the tracks to download at a snails pace.
Oceanic Motion said:
Ambient!? How does Ambient and Metal work then? Is it like Boards of Canada with blast beats?

Never heard Burzum's "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss"?

Not that Windham Hell sounds anything like that, but it's a good example of ambient metal.