Windir's farewell gig..

Henrik Main

Aug 10, 2002
Visit site
.. was absolutely fantastic, a concert that will go down in the metal history annals as a legendary happening.

Mindgrinder opened the show with their extreme, crushing Zyklon-inspired metal, and Finntroll followed up with an extremely energetic performance. Enslaved was absolutely killer as usual, playing mostly old stuff (Loke, Jotunblod, Slaget I Skogen Bortenfor) as well as Convoys To Nothingness and a cover of Windir's "Dauden".

The main attraction was of course Windir. They put on a flawless, beautiful show, cheering to Valfar and praising him for what he did to the Norwegian extreme metal scene. The show opened quite melancholically, with two men in Windir-shirts coming out with snare drums and playing a march while staring into the ceiling. Then the show exploded in an inferno, with pyro-techniques and lots of smoke. Valfar's brother did the vocal duties on three or four of the songs, and it was rather moving to see him perform. It was very emotionally - you could see that he really missed his brother.

The show reached its climax when the guitarist declared "Windir can no longer exist. Hails to Hvall. Hails to Valfar! Honour Valfar!" Pictures of Valfar were then shown at a huge screen, whilst the Arntor intro played in the background. When the band went onstage to play their encore, "Arntor, Ein Windir", the whole venue (Rockefeller, Oslo) exploded. It is the best concert I've ever been to, and it made me miss Windir and Valfar even more. The setlist included "Svartesmeden Og Lundamyrstrollet", "1184", "Sognariket Sine Krigarar", "Blodssvik", "Fagning", "On The Mountain Of The Goats", and the last Windir track Valfar ever wrote - "Stridsmann".

I also signed the guestbook on behalf of myself, my friends who were there, and everyone at who wanted to be there.

Erik said:
Did anyone record this? An official release would be cool, but bootlegs as well... Enslaved covering Windir would be interesting, for one.

I don't know if anyone recorded the actual audio only, but the whole show was filmed by a film team. A DVD release is likely. It'll be a bit embarassing seeing myself headbanging in front of the scene, but oh well :p

@TheSomberlain: Agreed, Finntroll's sound was pretty muddy and the keyboards drowned a bit in the mix. A pity.
No, but my boyfriend will. Nah, seriously, when thinking about it, the pros outweigh the cons by far - I can brag about being on the Windir DVD to friends. Plus, getting laid might be easier if I tell the girls that I'm on the Windir concert DVD. :p
Oh man, I wanted to be there so bad but I am unfortunately several thousand miles away at college. I hope that DVD includes the concert in its entirety if it does come out.:cry:
Nice gig review. I just recently got into Windir. I'm not really familiar with a lot of their material but if a DVD comes out of this I will definitely be getting it, if for no other reason than to see Enslaved.
Valfar's brother was rather good, with really intense, screeching grim vocals. His looks were both impressive and almost intimidating, he's just one, big muscle. The rest of the vocal duties were taken care of by one of the guitarists, he was very good as well.
I found some pics of Valfar's brother on the Finntroll forums. He was huge! But his grim speech inbetween the songs were just plain gay.

The Manowar fans will be wanking off over that pic haha. But anyway..

The gig sounded amazing, I'd have loved to have been there. Instead I'm sat here in front of the computer, watching nip/tuck and being over-powered by the smell of my Amon Amarth air freshener. I'd definitely be a buyer for the DVD. I've only very recently got into Windir and loved them instantly. I started with "Likferd" then got "1184" and "Soknardalr" and I've just ordered "Arntor".

The new album "Valfar, ein Windir" should be excellent when I can get my hands on it