Windowpane effects?


Nov 23, 2003
Southern California
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I was wondering if any of you guitarists know how to make the fading effect around 3:07-3:10, where Mikael sings, "On the Inside," and when he says Inside, it sort of fades out and there's a huge delay or something, I don't know what that effect is and how to make it work.

Does anyone know how to make that effect? Thanks
Ask Steve Wilson, haha. I honestly can't remember the effect too well and dont have the CD anywhere near... but from memory, isn't it just alot of delay and that kind of muted 'megaphone' effect?
Try to set your delay to a point where it sounds as though two guitars are playing that melody back and forth, it's same idea as at the end of the "run away, run away" part in Demon of the Fall.
I think it's actually two guitars, as at the end of the phrase, the "delayed" guitar does a harmony with the first guitar. So, it's double tracking, I'm almost 100% sure. But, if you want to emulate it, just go with what everyone else said, set a really long delay.