Winning Friends and Influencing people - aka the new friendly fire.


Stunt Plough Rider
Oct 15, 2001
Lithgow, Oz

U.S. soldiers kill 10 iraqi law enforcement officers, who THEY have appointed to maintain law and order.

The new version of friendly fire I guess.

And as to the number of Iraqis who have been liberated (well at least of their mortal coil), the number appears to be between 6000 and 8000

Well the U.S. won the war, but seems to be having a few problems winning the peace.

I wonder how many new extremists have been created by the last few month's events ?
It's becoming a guerilla war nightmare for them, and now they're asking for the UN to participate in the enormous costs. I'd say no to that. Let them carry the whole burden of the war they so eagerly wanted to have. I don't want my tax money to go there to help them in their criminal aims.
weapons of mass destruction - not found
links to Al Qaeda - not proved
uranium shipments from Africa to Iraq? - big lie
free Iraqis from Saddam Hussein and give them peace and prosperity - biggest joke ever. I think Iraqis are living in more fear now than ever before.

and they still bash France for not approving the war.
AcesHigh said:
weapons of mass destruction - not found
and they still bash France for not approving the war.

Yeah, that is a real disgrace, and also a typical demonstration of the American arrogance and hypocrisy. I personally think they have some sort of complex with France and Frenchmen which is now being revealed. I'm still glad, though, that there is some voices of reason in that country left. But I guess they are having a real hard time with all those blood-thristy warmongers among them.

USA is really alone right now in the international community.
AcesHigh said:
weapons of mass destruction - not found
links to Al Qaeda - not proved
uranium shipments from Africa to Iraq? - big lie
free Iraqis from Saddam Hussein and give them peace and prosperity - biggest joke ever. I think Iraqis are living in more fear now than ever before.

and they still bash France for not approving the war.
grant it the reason was wrong to go into iraq, but necessary to take out a man who out right kills his own ppl. is it better to have all the problems now or is it better to live a life of....when will it be my turn to die at the hands of saddam......hmmm....thats a hard choice......duh.

as for the french they basically told the US to fuck off when asked to help in the war, and now they want to come in and try and make money from the rebuilding of iraq.....fuck them.....they wanted to stay out and now they get mad when they cant come in......and then u wounder why the US feels the way they do.......fair wheather friends can FUCK OFF........if ur not willing to help in the first place why should anyone care what u think.
This isn't just the French or whatever the US are now going back to the UN despite shunning the security council and now expecting UN involvement. However the US expects other countries to send troops but still not give the UN involvement in the government.

Iraq's internal affairs were not the business of the US/UK so why they can decide on the government I don't know.
As cynical as I am, sometimes even I'm amazed at how completely arrogant my government can be. When 9/11 happened, the world rallied around us, even though we had done plenty to piss off a lot of countries. I'm sure there were people here and there who were secretly (or not so secretly) happy that it happened, but as a whole we were given an amazing amount of support. Now, two years later, we're more hated than we've ever been. We tell the rest of the world to fuck off, and then we act like spoiled kids when the rest of the world tells us to fuck off ourselves. Anyone who still thinks at this point that the war in Iraq was justified is either a sociopath or a fucking idiot. It is so completely obvious that the Bush and Blair administrations exaggerated, misled, and l-i-e-d to try to gain support for this invasion that nobody wanted that to think otherwise is nothing short of insane. Unfortunately, the price of that insanity is going to be a steady flow of our soldiers coming home in bodybags, more terrorist attacks, and a world that just may not give a fuck the next time one of skyscrapers crashes to the ground.
arkah said:
Heh, the only thing the rest of the world is able to do is to disapprove of the USA actions while it does what ever it pleases. Sad but true.
Yeah, unless you have nukes, you can only kiss the ass of US or hope they will never invade you. Thats why I am in favor of Brasil getting nukes. Just for protection.

The last war Brasil fought against a neighbor country was The Paraguay War, and that was in 1880!!! And it had the support of Britain, and was in alliance with Argentina and Uruguay (the triple alliance).

Then Brasil sent support personal to World War 1 and 25.000 troops that fought in Italy and defeated the germans in Mount Costello, in World War II (althought no one outside Brasil even remembers we were allies)

So there is no moral reason at all rich countries can be against Brasil having a nuke of its own, unless they dont want Brasil to have a nuke cuz they plan to invade us theirselves one day.
AcesHigh said:
Yeah, unless you have nukes, you can only kiss the ass of US or hope they will never invade you. Thats why I am in favor of Brasil getting nukes. Just for protection.
i dont think u have to worry about the US invading ur country......unless ur country is aggressive against the US or other countries we protect.....we dont invade just to invade.....and although we did invade iraq for the wrong reason, saddam is a mass murderer who had to be stopped and pussy sanctions dont work and never will work......and if u think saddam should still be in power, let him run ur country and see how u feel about him.
the war was just an excuse for 'bush the cunt' to get closer to iraq's oil.... tony blaire just followed cuz they are obviously fucking'
psykopain said:
i dont think u have to worry about the US invading ur country......unless ur country is aggressive against the US or other countries we protect.....we dont invade just to invade.....and although we did invade iraq for the wrong reason, saddam is a mass murderer who had to be stopped and pussy sanctions dont work and never will work......and if u think saddam should still be in power, let him run ur country and see how u feel about him.
My friend, you would not have given two flying fucks about the poor Iraqi people under that dictator Saddam (who the US supported and armed in the 80's) until Bush/Rice/Rumsfeld/Cheney etc etc told you to.
Bush is also now a mass murderer, so does that mean the US should be invaded?
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grant it the reason was wrong to go into iraq, but necessary to take out a man who out right kills his own ppl (you just said the reason was wrong, now you are saying its right??)

. is it better to have all the problems now or is it better to live a life of....when will it be my turn to die at the hands of saddam (yea now it is "When will it be my hands to die at the hands of bush" for both the american soldiers and the people of iraq...)......hmmm....thats a hard choice......duh. (yup, bush or saddam...)

as for the french they basically told the US to fuck off
(arnt we asking for aid now?) when asked to help in the war, and now they want to come in and try and make money from the rebuilding of iraq (hmm bush needs more money now to reubuild Iraq)
.....fuck them (you want to)
.....they wanted to stay out and now they get mad when they cant come in (soooo who will get bush the extra money?)
......and then u wounder why the US feels the way they do (asking for help and killing there own sons?)
.......fair wheather friends can FUCK OFF (shows the united states aragance...)
........if ur not willing to help in the first place why should anyone care what u think (uhh cuase that is a nazi train of thought you fuckin nazi!!!)
What the fuck?? That did not make any fucking sense at all.
The US are going to the UN, cap in hand, asking for help, after dismissing the organisation as 'irrelevant' and 'indecisive' amongst other things......all you people who now say 'Oh, he was killing his own people" 6 months ago were saying "he has WMD's aimed at America"........I mean fuck me, no-one gives a fuck that Saddam is gone, but the increasingly desperate attempts at justification for breaking international law, starting a pre-emptive war, and killing 5000-8000 civilians in the name of 'freedom' is ridiculous, and the majority of the world outside conservative USA are not buying it, nor will they.

France, Germany and the rest of the UN security council have every right to say, sorry george, it's your problem.
Most of the reconstruction contracts have already been awarded to US companies anyway, so WTF would anyone want to help George the dictator clean up his mess?