Winter Chaos All Dayer

soon sweetie :)

Originally posted by TimPhallicide
Yeah now that I know we sound like that I'll become a skinny vegemetarian and start shitting onstage...or not!!! I really don't know where he got this from, I wanted to ask him if he was deaf. Then when he said perhaps we were better off in the hardcore scene, I basically concluded that he decided what we sounded like on the basis of what we looked like. What a moron.

haha! damn right he was deaf!

it does amaze me on a regular basis how so many people don't actually seem to listen to a band's music before spouting off their opinions on this that and the other. unfortunately a great deal of these people seem to work in the UK metal press.....

we obviously got the whole 'dani filth' thing with kev's vocals, which is fair enough. you can compare kev's voice with his and i've got no complaints. but most of the time they'd go and jabber on about CoF being obviously our biggest influence and how our music sounds like theirs too blah blah bloody blah....

now i hate cradle of bloody filth. i've never even heard anything they've done since 'dusk and her embrace' when i heard the wheels coming well off that particular cart. i don't even OWN a single CoF album and haven't listened to the old stuff in something like five years....... AND I WRITE THE FUCKING SONGS!!! so how exactly are we going to be influenced by them??

what's more:
CoF songs are based on keyboard progressions - we don't even have a keyboard player
CoF use loads of fast blastbeats - we never use any
CoF are all gothed up and fetish clad - such people are faggotts
etc etc etc :mad:

.....rant over :)
I know exactly what you mean. When we had Adam on vocals people compared us to COF which is beyond the ridiculous. I think some people have a very limited musical vocabulary and a desperation to categorise new bands because they can't possibly accept that they could have any originality. Especially if they are British. Bit of a sad attitude really.

Obviously some people, like the guy in question, are simply deaf. How on earth could Dillinger have even come into his mind. Maybe he was listening to his stereo or something ;)
No DesolatioN has bugger all to do with CoF musically, you guys are more intelligent and less overly grandiose sounding than them, and your riffing style really is nowhere near theirs. Not that I don't like a bit of CoF, loved the first 4 discs.

Maybe the Dillinger dude watched us just for the duration of the ONE riff in our entire set that has a weirdish time signature and decided that we were a Noisecore band, hahahaha. Seriously though, there isn't any Dillinger influence there. Nick writes the lion's share of the music, and he is quite closed-minded in what sort of stuff he will and won't include, and Noisecore is DEFINITELY NOT on his list of preferred styles. He never listens to that stuff, and Sern and me (the other more frequent musical contributors) rarely do, and certainly don't think it has a place in Phallicide. Even if any of us did decide we should 'do some crazy jazz shit here and then go into a riff in 26.7345/5.2 timing then do a blast beat for half a bar and the go "raaargh!"', the rest of the band would just go 'fuck off'. So I think we've established there is no Dillinger Escape Plan influence in Phallicide.

Bands we are proudly influenced by:

In Flames
At The Gates
Iron Maiden
Lost Horizon
Nile (you won't hear it now, but in some of the new stuff you will)
Probably CoF
Children of Bodom
Yngwie Malmsteen
Dark Funeral
Manowar (in the lyrics)
Mortician (lyrics and to some extent vocals)

Blah blah

I'm sure y'all aren't too surprised by the list of bands there.
not surprised at all. i think we had this conversation at dungeonfest! :)

lets play the 'list your ACTUAL influences' game

At the Gates
In Flames
Fields of the Nephilim
Dark Tranquillity

and as for other bands we get compared to, I quite often see ......Solace Denied listed! :)

and thus defiled on occasion!
Nope, no surprises there either. I want us to be more influenced by Absu, but playing double kick drums at the speed of a bumblebee's wingbeats and singing like Donald Duck at the same time is a little beyond our Dave, great though he is!!!!!

By the way Stu, Jay is taking applications for Dungeonfest III now, we have ours in...
not again!!!!!

there's nothing in my pm box!!

i keep getting told that it's full but there's nothing in it :s

i'll go and tinker with some settings to see if i can sort it out, but otherwise my email address is on my personal profile.