Winter Rose (Labrie's pre Dream Theater band)


Demons Will Fly
Oct 18, 2004
Canada, eh
Came across this about a half hour ago. Winter Rose was James Lebrie's band in the 80s before he joined DT. I must say, on this album he's in top form and the production is A+. The sound is very much like Warrant, Skid Row and even some Kim Mitchell. Wonder how these guys weren't all over MTV (or at least Canada's counterpart Much Music).

If you can find it on youtube, try the song "Never Let Me Go" - it must have been where Warrant got Cherry Pie as the song's are uncannily similar!

I have this cd, it's not bad, It sure is better than what JLB has been doing with DT for the past few years, although the newest release is almost a step on the right track again.
I haven't been impressed with a DT cd since SFAM.....
I love "i'll never fall in love again"

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count 4 of us ....
I never heard of Winter Rose, but I have the Majesty demo.
That demo is from 1985, probably just before they changed the name into Dream Theater. Going to se DT next Saturday btw, on the ProgNation tour, together with Bigelf (yeah!) and Opeth (bleh!)...
Going to se DT next Saturday btw, on the ProgNation tour, together with Bigelf (yeah!) and Opeth (bleh!)...

Is Scale The Summit on that tour too? Because if they are, check them.
Is Scale The Summit on that tour too? Because if they are, check them.
No, Unexpect is the 4th band, never heard of them ...
edit; checked their Myspace, just another gothic female - Cookie Monster male vocal band.
So many cool bands to choose from, getting tired of this Death-Prog stuff ....
Well, we don't have to be in too early than....
Sad Zappa Plays Zappa isn't in the European tour.
Just back from that gig, and DT was ABSOLUTELY AWESOME !!!
A sold out (7000 seats) gig. An unusual choice of songs (don't
ask me, I'm not good at remembering). So not all "favorit" songs but
all were played perfect, also sound was awesome. Great show too with
3 big videoscreens. One of the best concerts I've ever seen.
DT showed they are still on top of that progmetal league !!
Bigelf also was very, very good. I just love this band.
Opeth...sorry Sickboy, I heard better lullabies ...
Opener Unexpected was very complex & chaotic. Some cool parts, but
nothing special.

edit: stole the setlis somewhere;
A Nightmare To Remember
The Mirror
A Rite Of Passage
Keyboard Solo
As I Am
The Dance of Eternity
In The Name Of God

The Count Of Tuscany
So get this: Sebastian Bach used to be in Winter Rose before he quit to join Skid Row! In fact, he used the song "Saved by Love" to get the gig with Skid Row. You can find the Lebrie version of it on Youtube.

Man, small world!
Okay, I've figured out you don't like them so far... :grin:

Hehe, noticed :lol:

Guess it's just a matter of personal taste. Alot of people came to see Opeth alone and said DT was boring. I thought DT was one of the better shows I ever saw and found Opeth boring so ... hard to discuss personal tastes !!
a bit of topic but wanted to show this vid of DT in Belgium.
Guess we caught them in on a real good day !!!

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I seen them twice on this tour and they were great both times. I am a fan of these guys but they are playing better then ever right now. Props to Labrie...he's had his problems in the past but I think he has finally recovered.