Wintersun's new album TIME I

Oct 4, 2006
So it has been leaked.

If anyone has listened to it and I know there are mixed feelings in this forum, but what do you guys think?
I'm mildly interested in the album. I dont download any more though, so I suppose I'll wait. Anything been officially released yet?
I'm mildly interested in the album. I dont download any more though, so I suppose I'll wait. Anything been officially released yet?

Not really. Just a tour trailer with a snippet from the song "Land of Snow and Sorrow"
The first song (after the intro) was so long i got bored half way through but ill give it a proper listen later on proper speakers.
There are some FANTASTIC moments on the album. Too bad it was way to overhyped and damn I know there is a "Time 2" coming, but three full length songs? Way too short, waiting for such a long time and three songs? I also wish there was more aggression like the debut album, but hey...its a good EP..I mean..album.
Gonna listen in a moment. I predict a trainwreck. For one, the first album was already really really overdone and this one is supposed to be even more bombastic, and regardless albums which spend this long in production pretty much never turn out well (Chinese Democracy, ORwarriOR).

EDIT: I listened to Land of Snow and Sorrow. It's pretty much exactly like the first album, no evolution at's a slow one, so it's pretty much slow Ensiferum with a dose of Tales from the Thousand Lakes. There's maybe one riff that I've already forgotten, the rest is all keyboards and sustained power chords. I expected this to be a lot of shredding and blasting and over-the-top keyboards that would be worth a laugh, but this is just...nothing. Like musical cotton candy. I don't hate it, but there's just nothing going on here.

EDIT 2: Sons of Winter and Stars. I think they're trying to be evil or something. It's really hard to believe they spent 8 years on this. The musicianship is immaculate and there's a fuckton of keyboards everywhere but as far as the songwriting this kinda just seems slapped together.
Some of my friends are obsessed with it, telling me that the 300+ samples used on the album is bold and admirable and not gay as fuck. I told him it sounded like Dragonforce meets Children of Bodom.
To be honest it didn't sound particularly impressive as far as the orchestration goes. Yeah, it beats a cheap Casio, but it didn't sound any better than stuff Dimmu Borgir and Rhapsody have done. Considering that, if I remember correctly, the massive number of samples was a major factor in the absurd delay in the release of the album, they're a bunch of fucking retards.
Gave it another listen and Nuclear Blast definitely over hyped it and the fact thats its been split in two kills it. Its way too short and the three songs sound pretty much identical. I definitely expected more. It was probably only split to recoup the money they had to spend to get it made but it makes for a disappointing listen. If they had released both parts at once in a box set i would probably have bought it. Ill enjoy it more when i can listen to part 1 and 2 at the same time. Same issue with the new coheed and cambria. For bands like these a 40 minute album (30-35 once you remove the intros and instrumentals) cant even be called an album and still leaves you dissapointed even if the tracks on it are pretty good.
still leaves you dissapointed even if the tracks on it are pretty good.

This is exactly what im feeling too, he should have just released the whole thing. Many bands are releasing double albums with hours of material, and Jari saying its "too much for one listen" is just a lame excuse.

On the others hand, it sure is bombastic as fuck! I cannot deny its epicness. Hope for more aggression on the next one.