New Killswitch CD

Jean-Pierre said:
You're rant shows nothing. I bash bands like As I Lay Dying (and all the others) because they suck, have little to nothing in the way of actual riff work, and have had what they're trying to achieve already achieved.

So what? Dissection influences a lot of this melodicdeath/'metalcore' bullshit, but I think Dissection rules. Same with Gorguts. They have solid compositions and no pointless meandering in the way of artiness (Blowpeth, DEP, Burning Inside, about a million other abortions).
So do you have an actual reason for bashing bands like As I Lay Dying? Other than that they "suck" in your opinion. We share the same opinion, but I know why I don't like them, do you?

I wouldn't call DEP artsy in any way shape or form.
MightyDrynwhyl said:
So do you have an actual reason for bashing bands like As I Lay Dying? Other than that they "suck" in your opinion. We share the same opinion, but I know why I don't like them, do you?

Because I'm awesome and Grave Digger is the greatest band of all time.
Not every band's purpose is to push the envelope. I enjoy the "metalcore-melodeath" thing, and as long as the bands aren't blatantly stealing each others' melodies, I'll still like it.
Burnt by the Sun, City of Catterpillar, Burst, BtBaM, DEP, Lamb of God, Hopesfall, and ISIS should all be checked out by anyone who is unsure about Metalcore/hardcore/whatever.. these are the more unique bands of the genre.. definent talent

I liked As I lay Dying for like a week, then I realized they were just At the Gates done shitty
Scourge of Malice said:
Burnt by the Sun, City of Catterpillar, Burst, BtBaM, DEP, Lamb of God, Hopesfall, and ISIS should all be checked out by anyone who is unsure about Metalcore/hardcore/whatever.. these are the more unique bands of the genre.. definent talent

I liked As I lay Dying for like a week, then I realized they were just At the Gates done shitty
I don't really see what's so unique about BtBaM, they remind me too much of Dillinger and Poison The Well. Beside, you forgot to mention The End, Circle Takes The Square and Skycamefalling. :)