WIP: Black metal project (mp3)


Jan 10, 2005
Selbstmord - Departure

Ok, been working on this one the past few days. It's 1 of 2 songs from a friend of mine. Finished tracking the guitars last night for both songs. Guitars are: EC-1000 w/ EMG's -> Keeley TS-9 -> Peavey XSr™/Dual Recto -> Marshall 2x12. I have a V30 and a T75 in the cab, but I mic'ed only the V30 with a single SM57. Drums were programmed by the guitarist, later kinda refined by hand (time consuming!) on the velocities. Used EZDdfh for the OH's, hats, toms, and used the Sonar1 snare to blend with Bob's samples, kick is 100% replaced. This is one of my proudest guitar tones to date. Recto is 100% L/R, XSr™ is like 80% L/R. No bass yet, and the drums are going to be getting some more velocity work, as well as some slight shifting to get it a little more realistic. Acoustic is some Takamine a/e going straight in. Vocals soon.

Basically this is still all just chillin, finished tracking the guitars last night, and I couldn't wait to post it.

Also, if anyone would like to try converting the MIDI he made into piano using a VSTi, please hit me up. I don't have anything that does piano or bm style key sounds at all. :)

The intro got fuxxed on the early bounce, no biggie for a preview mix though. What I've noticed, and somebody please tell me if I'm just being picky, but a lot of the transitions could be a little more fluid IMO, no? The guitarist writes everything himself, he's only been playing for about a year but is really promising. His technique is very clean and consistent. But I think he may lack the maturity in writing...just me though. Otherwise I think this track is bitchin.

The riffs remind me a ton of Dissection and maybe Amon Amarth in a few parts.

I agree, it doesn't flow too well in a few parts. Some of the riffs don't really fit together.

I'd say the song needs to be shortened up, it doesn't really go anywhere particular. It seems sort of monotonous.

The drums are very programmed sounding, and I'm not too keen on the kick drum. I don't think I've ever heard convincing programmed blast beats though.

I am not an expert in black metal at all, so I don't know how much my opinion matters in regards to the writing, lol!
I think it sounds fine in all aspects for now. Looking forward to hearing it again once the drums are done being tweaked and you got the bass in there.
The drums are very programmed sounding, and I'm not too keen on the kick drum. I don't think I've ever heard convincing programmed blast beats though.

Listen to Black Neon Bob's stuff, they're about the most convincing blast beat stuff I've heard.

@elephant-audio:- It doesn't sound that black metal like to me, more old school Opeth, which is fucking good to me. The drums sound ok, again like other's I don't like that kick sound.