Wire tap without a warrant!

By Design

Reprehended Erudition
Dec 16, 2005
this rather recent development is yet more bullshit created to suspend an increasing number of expiring rights. but, what i find so interesting/frightening is the fact that they dont have to report any of their activities. in fact, they have made any such divulgence and act that would go against “national security”

this is a self fulfilling machiavellian mandate of erroneous protection! thats fucked up, period.
Indeed. The current admin has made every effort to place more power in the executive branch while lessoning the influence/power of the legislative branch. At the end of the day, the very concept that holds any Republic together - checks and balances - is eroding.

Luckily, due to term limits, the current admin is acting on borrowed time. And, luckily, many members of its own party are trying to distance themselves from the neo-con movement as much as possible.
I think we will definitely see a traditional Republican running in 2008 as opposed to one from the neo-con death-cult side.
I just find it disgusting how London has embraced the survaillence society so readily. Aparrently they can listen in on your cell phone if even if it is off. As long as the battery is still in. This kind of power makes it easy to find those who may rebel against unjust laws and abuse of power.
SoundMaster said:
Indeed. The current admin has made every effort to place more power in the executive branch while lessoning the influence/power of the legislative branch. At the end of the day, the very concept that holds any Republic together - checks and balances - is eroding.

Luckily, due to term limits, the current admin is acting on borrowed time. And, luckily, many members of its own party are trying to distance themselves from the neo-con movement as much as possible.
I think we will definitely see a traditional Republican running in 2008 as opposed to one from the neo-con death-cult side.

I don't think so...isn't everyone making a big deal out of hillary and condeeleza or whatever?
The Subjugator said:
I don't think so...isn't everyone making a big deal out of hillary and condeeleza or whatever?
everybody is making a big deal out of the possibility of a female president because everybody thinks that a female will make a better president than a male...and although i agree with this, i still think that the USA is gonna continue to be fucked-up all to hell no matter who wins the 2008 election
First off, it has only because "publicly" aware (Meaning the propaganda war machines CNN and Fox News have just 'found out'), when in fact it's been around for 5 years. It cannot be hid forever so the neocons want you to know your being watched. Its all about fear. Fear leads to control. The US Government, everyone knows how corrupt it is and if they can keep you in fear of "terrorists" then they can keep you under control. If your under control, you cannot make an uprising and over-throw the government.

Just look at the "news" and all "terrorist threats", it's called testing the waters. They test the fear of people by saying the "threat" is "higher" today than yesterday then they quickly throw out a vote to see how much trust you have in the president. It's a test. They want to see how well the fear/control is working.
The Subjugator said:
I don't think so...isn't everyone making a big deal out of hillary and condeeleza or whatever?

For one, the GOP will not nominate Conde to run for president. Too many of their own voters would never elect a female, and of course never a black. 'Tis one of the many problems with the middle-American conservative mind-set.

Secondly, if the Dems are smart, they'd NEVER nominate Hillary for the ticket as, for reasons still unknown, she's the most hated person in America. The Dems need to regain the moderate, fence-riders who voted for Bush recently. Hillary will drive them further away (again, not sure why, but people despise her.....I truly do feel that many on the right hate the clintons more than they hate bin Laden).
It is not only the US republic threatened! The past days Greece was shaken by illegal deeds such those! Through the Vodafone Gr network someone installed a softaware to wire leading figures of the Government includins the prime minister. The government was informed last March and didn't inform the president of the Republic for some reason. After Vodafone informed the cabinet, one of their executives commited suicide and the guy in charge of network security against fraud resigned.
A professor on computers of Athens University said that someone from the inside only could install it. Furthermore, this software is legal and can be acquired by all mobile networks and it is designed by Sony-Ericsson. Vodafone said that they never bought such program, but i say couldn't they acquire a piratic copy of it! We are all under surveillance! If the prime minister of a democratic state cannot be protected who will protect us all?
dimi888 said:
It is not only the US republic threatened! The past days Greece was shaken by illegal deeds such those! Through the Vodafone Gr network someone installed a softaware to wire leading figures of the Government includins the prime minister. The government was informed last March and didn't inform the president of the Republic for some reason. After Vodafone informed the cabinet, one of their executives commited suicide and the guy in charge of network security against fraud resigned.
A professor on computers of Athens University said that someone from the inside only could install it. Furthermore, this software is legal and can be acquired by all mobile networks and it is designed by Sony-Ericsson. Vodafone said that they never bought such program, but i say couldn't they acquire a piratic copy of it! We are all under surveillance! If the prime minister of a democratic state cannot be protected who will protect us all?

You and only you can stop unjustice from happening. Police is controlled by the very corruption that is taking freedom away from those who still have it.
SoundMaster said:
Indeed. The current admin has made every effort to place more power in the executive branch while lessoning the influence/power of the legislative branch. At the end of the day, the very concept that holds any Republic together - checks and balances - is eroding.

Luckily, due to term limits, the current admin is acting on borrowed time. And, luckily, many members of its own party are trying to distance themselves from the neo-con movement as much as possible.
I think we will definitely see a traditional Republican running in 2008 as opposed to one from the neo-con death-cult side.

I think you will see a more 'Traditional" Republican run in 2008. The distancing began.....I believe in 2003.....when war was declared on Iraq. That's when the split took place and the line was drawn in the sand. The elements were present then, and have only continued to fester. A traditional Republican would also mean a more moderate leader that is more focused on the nation rather than on international affairs. Which is really what Bush has been focused on since 9-11.

Your country needs to re-establish peaceful international ties again. And be perceived as the World's Peacekeeper, not the World's Bully. But more importantly, I think the rest of the world needs to trust the US....and that will take time. Especially when several nations of the G8 are about to introduce some new faces shortly. Just like we have here just recently in Canada. New relations will have to be built.....especially with the US. A lot of bridges have been burnt.