Wireless VS Firewire: ENTERNAL WARZ


Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA
Ok, most of us know that wireless cards fuck with firewire devices. Does anyone know why? I've scoured the internetwebnets in search of an answer and haven't found one. There's got to be a way to solve this problem. I'm probably not the only person that likes to browse pronz and listen to music through my monitors.

This thread is dedicated to resolving wireless/firewire conflicts. LET'S GO!
My preferred solution: get a real fucking network connection and stop broadcasting everything valuable and essential to your day-to-day living over the air. Especially with desktops - if you like doing tai chi with your laptop on your skull while watching videos of funny cats on YouTube that's one thing, but there is a special circle of hell for people who use wireless on their desktop.

My preferred solution: get a real fucking network connection and stop broadcasting everything valuable and essential to your day-to-day living over the air. Especially with desktops - if you like doing tai chi with your laptop on your skull while watching videos of funny cats on YouTube that's one thing, but there is a special circle of hell for people who use wireless on their desktop.


Well said.
I use wireless on my desktop..the one modem and external HD connects to about 6 computers (4 laptops, 2 PCs), wireless is the easiest way, even for desktops, unless I want cables throughout the whole house!
...wireless is the easiest way, even for desktops, unless I want security, reliability, and consistency!

Fixed for you. Just run them along the floorboards, it probably won't kill your family while you sleep - and if they do yank it out and strangle themselves with it in the middle of the night, they earned it. If you have anything less than WPA encryption with a truly-randomly-generated password around 15-20 characters you can kiss private information (and total control of your bandwidth) goodbye... unless you live on the moon. Fuck that shit. For laptops it's understandable, but with desktops it's asking for trouble.

Run them along the floorboards? All the way through the lounge where they're SURE to get tripped over constantly? ;p

Security I'll give you. Our bandwidth does seem to mysteriously disappear sometimes. Don't have especially private information stored on our external HD anyway, and I think its passworded. If I was in an apartment block, yeah ok but in a suburb..I cant even access the wireless on the other end of my house, so theres maybe two houses around me who could hack in and we've known them for 10 years so we kinda trust em :)

Haven't really found a problem with reliability or consistency though. I can understand wireless can be insecure in some circumstances but for MINE its pretty much perfect.
Never really liked wireless. Tried it recently with my folks laptop though. And Vista just wasn't playing ball, it would not automatically connect to the wireless network. In the end we just decided to forget it and stick with having a cable running through the hallway.
I bought my pc with the intention of not using it with the net- that plan changed when i started college. I speced it without any cards for hooking it up to the net. I got given a usb wireless dongle thing for free, we have wireless in my student house and the router is on another floor. I only use it for the net and the worst thing someone could get off my computer information wise is my c.v which i hand out like candy anyway!
I've never had issues with my firewire though- probably cause its usb wireless, maybe theres a solution for you?
Just bought this overpriced USB wireless adapter and it seems to be working good so far.
Checked with the DPC Latency tool and didn't get any OUTRAGEOUS SPIKEZ.

Yeah dude, it's kicking ass.
I was skeptical of it actually working for a while, but i keep my music on 24/7 and it didn't drop out overnight or anything and i used some ampsims to jam with some T REX tracks earlier when i was tripping my asshole off.