With a heavy heart...


<-Forum Troll->
I'm announcing my departure from Shroud of Bereavement.

I've shared some awsome times with all my fellow band mates, met some awsome fans, and played some of the best shows in my life, but alas, I have reached the end of the road. This is a personal decision from me, and I will remain close friends with, and continue to fully support Shroud in any way that I can.

I thank you all for an amazing 3 years of my life, the times we shared will never be forgotten!

I'm sorry to see ya go, but things have to happen for various reasons. It's been a pleasure meeting, and hanging out with ya the few times we got the chance.

I'm sure we'll see each other again at some point.
oh, most definitely!

I'll still be trolling around here, and I've left on good terms so I will remain in touch with the rest of the band. My leaving is for the benefit of both parties, this will alleviate any issues of my not being able to tour with the band, among several other things.

I'm glad that I got to meet and hang out with so many awesome people over the last 3 years
This just shows you what a delightful fella mark is. If I was him, I would've used someone else's account and called the thread "Guy quits SoB" then put no text in. But yeah... dude you were totally my favorite. Your bassplaying/drumming/keys/alpenhorn playing really inspired my work in Shroud of Prenuptial Engagement. We only spoke a couple times but Ireally felt this connection... like you'd loan me about oooh three fitty next Tuesday. I'll pay you back by xmas! Honest! yeah sucks you had to leave if you love it. But hey look at it this way there were too many of you for a lot of shitty ass tiny venues. No longer will someone have to play from the latrine! God... I try to be nice and still come across as a complete ass. Forum troll to the core!
Mark... are you okay? Do you need to talk? I've got some time off next week. We could meet up for coffee. I'd say beers but I have to drive. Shit... I don't drink coffee. Fuck... I don't remember how to get to Haverhill. Damn it.
With a heavy heart, Mike quit the band too. It happens I guess, what can I do?
...no more 1 finger rainstorms on stage, and no more gleaming light flashes from Mikes shiny head lol.

Ok, I am joking, but truly ...this sucks!!!!!!

Who's next?
Yes, I have left the band. It was an interesting ride for the past 4 years. Doesn't seem like it's been that long. Had some fun at the shows, met some cool people. It's time for me to focus on other things. Best of luck to the rest of the bandmates.
Yeah, I'd been thinking about it during the month we had off due to losing the previous practice space. I need to focus on other things (my projects, life in general, etc...) so I decided now was the best time seeing things are sort of quiet still. I'll still be available for help on other stuff but not live playing.
So you're saying if I went to see Shroud I might not pee three times during your set? That just doesn't feel right.