With Teeth


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
5/3/2005, I'm so fucking excited.

I've have one song from it called The Line Begins to Blur. I'm not much of a NIN fan but i really like that song. And i'm really bored.
Never got into NIN , I like 1/4 of Fragile , the style of tracks others do better so I won't bother .
I can't wait for this one either. I just set up a boot trade for a show NIN just did. It has some new tracks on it.
Dead_Lioness said:
I like NIN, but I need to be in a certain mood to listen to them...
I'm going to check this album out for sure though...

heh, so you're coming around the RC now eh? stay a while, it's quite entertaining.:Spin:
hahahaha Erik is trying to compensate for the fact that one of his favorite albums evAr simply wouldn't exist without NIN.

If anyone can listen to Pretty Hate Machine followed by A Deeper Kind of Slumber and still deny a direct influence, you need to get some prescription Q-tips, the kind that bore holes.

Anyhow fuck off, I'm so tired of people coming into threads of bands they hate and spouting off multiple times about it. You don't like it? Good, either piss off or say "they suck" and be done with it. I swear, if I posted my feelings on 98% of the shit discussed on this forum my postcount would be triple.
I'm very tempted to search for it myself, but I think I want to wait. NIN releases are definitely album experiences, I wouldn't want to ruin that.

Plus one of my fondest memories is running out to Best Buy (when I still shopped at those fascist pigfuckers) at 10am to grab The Fragile, 6 years ago. :)