Within Temptation: guest for Iron Maiden

They are, I saw some ad on TV and they're apparently now a TOTAL AND COMPLETE Evanescence ripoff, who in turn ripped off Lacuna Coil, who were shit to begin with, oh holy fucking frog.
And then somebody's going to be like "yeah but that Lacuna Coil chick is hot" and I'm going to be like "Cristina Scabbia fanboys are the second most annoying girl-fanboys in the world after Lara Croft fanboys", tbrfh.
Erik said:
They are, I saw some ad on TV and they're apparently now a TOTAL AND COMPLETE Evanescence ripoff, who in turn ripped off Lacuna Coil, who were shit to begin with, oh holy fucking frog.

If I remember well, they sucked already before the Evanes thing existed, so I wouldn't call them an Evan rip-off. Let's stick with sucky poppy music with a show way bigger than their music.
Yeah but did you see their latest video and compare it to that Evanescence #1 SMASH HIT!!! I mean it's ridiculous to be honest, what with how the band members look and how they stand on top of buildings and blah blah, and yes I am a bit ashamed to have seen both of the videos to be able to compare. Anyway, it's painfully obvious that WT are trying to ride on Evanescence's and Lacuna Coil's recent popularity, and it's apparently working too.
Guardian of Darkness said:
And then somebody's going to be like "yeah but that Lacuna Coil chick is hot" and I'm going to be like "Cristina Scabbia fanboys are the second most annoying girl-fanboys in the world after Lara Croft fanboys", tbrfh.

Yeah, how the hell did Tomb Raider ever get popular? The movies were horrible (haven't seen em) and the games were even fucking worse (played for about 8 minutes). Proves the idiocy of the masses.
When you're a 15-year-old who has just discovered the wonders of 1) girls and 2) THIRTY-TWO BIT 3D GAMING ON TEH PLAYSTATION, polygon boobs > playability
Well I just read that Within Temptation is playing with Iron Maiden...
I realy don't know what to think about that.... on the last tour it was Funeral for a Friend and that was tooo much a copy of Maiden, but this is totaly a different style.
Well I know the band very well cause I also come from the Netherlands and I saw them many times on dutch festivals. They're not bad after all but this is too much honour I think...
yep, i understand what he means...the "melodies" or something..but it's more "emocore" than anything else though...
Last time i saw Maiden, Murderdolls were the guest... :erk:
What kind of fucking problem do they have when they choose their guests ?? :err: Anyway, on my ticket, it's written "guestS"...i guess there's gonna be at least one more...crossed fingers...
MEGADETH, MEGADETH, MEGADETH :hotjump: :hotjump:
Anyway, it seems that both bands are gonna play the day after or the day before at The Graspop Festival, Belgium...so there's a big chance to see Megadeth..
I think it always says "guests" on the tickets regardless of if there's only going to be one band. There are still multiple persons in the band you know, hence = guests

Yeah, last time I saw Maiden 'twas Murderdolls supporting as well, shudder. Worst band ever! At least pretty much noone in the entire arena liked them either, hehe
I like Lacuna Coil, and Within Temptaion...and would rather see either of them live (or even Evanesence) than Mega-bore. Yuck!