Within the Fall - Night of Ebon (new song, 2017)


ov Doom
Sep 22, 2005
Stockholm, Sweden
Hey guys!

Within the Fall released an EP earlier this year, but we were not content with stopping there, so we have just released a new song today as well. Check it out, and hope you guys will like it! :)

Statement from Facebook:

The time has finally come for the release of our new single, "Night of Ebon"!
You can find the song on our Youtube channel and on our Bandcamp site, see links at the end of this post.
As an extra celebration for this release our latest EP, "Beyond the Gate", is now free to download (same as our previous releases) from our Bandcamp site!
We would like to extend a big thank you to Cajza Stålheim for creating the very beautiful cover art and also for the creation of the Youtube video along with Stephan Eldh.

Personal statement by Mike Wennerstrand:
"Finally the day is here when we release the song
'Night of Ebon'. All of our songs throughout the years
are special to us in different ways and I think we
hit the mark with this one as well. It never made it onto
the release of the 'Beyond the Gate' EP earlier this year,
due to the song not being finished nor did it fit the
theme we were going for at the time.

I have never really gone on record to tell people what the songs are about since I always wanted the listener to make the songs their own. As a songwriter and doing all the lyrics for Within the Fall at the moment, it can be a scary thing sometimes since I'm really passionate about each and every song we have made.
However, this song in particular I want to chime in on.
'Night of Ebon' is a journey; it's a walk of out of depression to live life on your own terms. To cast away the things that holds you back in life. Dare to dream, live and learn."

Now, without further ado, we give you:

Night of Ebon!



Just gave it a listen. Wow that's way different than the usual Within the Fall, faster pace and more upbeat in general. It's a cool change up though. I can see why it's not on the EP due to stylistic differences but it's a cool single for sure.
I actually have turned a few people onto Within the Fall in the last couple days. Just showed my bandmate Mike as well, while I was rambling nostaligic about how all the dudes on this forum kind of started out together. :lol:
This forum is turning gay at an alarming rate. Keep this yaoi shit away from me, bakas

I know, makes me want to puke. :lol: But in all honesty I like some of the people on this forum better than most of the 3D people I'm surrounded by.

Was just listening again and wanted to comment how much I like the cleans on this song. That whole section is a highlight for me, instrumentally as well.

I really need to start singing normally again, I totally lost my regular singing voice after all the years of doing no vocals at all, and then when I did start vocals again a little over a year ago I focused solely on growls. So now my clean voice is extra fucked.
3D people :erk:

Also be thankful you at least had clean vocals. The only clean vocals I can make is fucking opera voice. Female opera voice. This is a fucking joke, how am i supposed to pair it with growls.
If I wasnt so lazy I would now create a shitpost music with growls and opera. But for 3 years I didnt find patience te record my "serious" music besides having one track in beta stage so :(
Was just listening again and wanted to comment how much I like the cleans on this song. That whole section is a highlight for me, instrumentally as well.

I really need to start singing normally again, I totally lost my regular singing voice after all the years of doing no vocals at all, and then when I did start vocals again a little over a year ago I focused solely on growls. So now my clean voice is extra fucked.

Thank you! This clean vocal session was actually one of the easiest ones I've ever done, it went very smoothly. Guess that's what practise does for you in the end! I'm really happy with how it turned out.

I've found that focusing on opening my mouth more when I sing helps a ton, it makes it much easier hitting the notes and gaining clarity. I'm really bad at practising tecniques, but just singing along to different kinds of music and thinking about what's going on and what feels and sounds good/bad is really helpful.
Fakk.. I want to buy one but that sumbitch is going to be pricey after shipping and I had unexpected expenses recently. If any are left I'll probably buy one later.