Within The Ruins-"Tractor Pull" Cover (Podfarm, S2.0, Legion)

Here is my quick Mix :

Tell me what you think guys :loco:

I'm digging the bass tone you have here. The main problem with your mix is that the drums are lacking punch. It seems like you clipped too much of the snare's dynamics so that it's only "pop" and attack. Also the cymbals die off really quickly.

Good job though, and keep at it! :saint:

I really like the guitar tone you have, though I feel it's a little over saturated. What did you use?

Vocals ?

I worked some more on the rest of the song and I like it, but vocals are really needed (afraid I can't do em on my own).

Sorry for being so late with the vocals. I've been having some trouble with the fiance, as well as getting sick. Everything is good now, so I should have them done soon.
Again, sorry for the delay.
Here are the stems as promised:

Now you can all see how bad I am at guitar haha :p

As for bass processing, it was just Chimp Spanner's "Grind Bass" Pod Patch, high/low pass, with a boost around 3-4kHz, and some Multiband compression on the low mids. Also, the "bass" is just pitch shifted guitar lol. I don't own a bass yet.

Edit: I'll start doing vocals on Monday. If anyone else is interested, go for it!

Where is guitar rhythm DI R? help!