Wolves in the ThroneRoom-Two Hunters


Jan 30, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
I was reading a review for this on sea of tranquility and it's referred to as a "beast" 4 songs clocking in at about 46 minutes. Compared to the "caliber" of Emperor's black metal. The link to their site took me to a completely outdated page from April 2006. Could'nt find any info. Has this been released? And if so, where can I get my hands on this? Thanx.:heh:
Don't think it has been released yet. SHould be good. Have you heard their debut 'Diadem of 12 Stars' ? great black metal.
Don't think it has been released yet. SHould be good. Have you heard their debut 'Diadem of 12 Stars' ? great black metal.
It has been released :)
And yep, I heard Diadem and it's my favourite release of 2006. I would go as far as to saying it's the greatest BM record since Dead as Dreams.
Yeah, Wolves is similar to Weakling with the whole.. Epic, innovative black metal style.. But Wolves are.. I don't quite know, Weakling are more dark and avant-garde.. Wolves seem to have a far more.. Organic and folky sound.
why don't you get it yourself?

I haven't got the money to spend on albums anymore :( My mate actually has spare cash.. And we generally have very similar taste. So quite often he'll get albums and lend them to me.. Sometimes i download, but i've got too much stuff on my computer atm to download stuff.

That and...I don't have any arms. :shock:
So, of those who have heard this "beast", what's the verdict? Can anyone give me a fairly comprehensive review? Like to get thoughts from those who have tastes similiar to mine as to what they think, as opposed to some supposed pro reviewer who doesn't know shit. C'mon, someone has got to have the stones to do this.