Woman accused of trying to sell 'gothic kittens'

Total aside note:

My upstairs neighbors both have cats. The second floor people have an indoor/outdoor cat that tears at their carpet all the time. Not as bad as the indoor only cat (which is 100% deaf which is why it is inside only). Both are fully clawed.

The outdoor cat has suddenly decided it likes my place better. So it will follow me to my apartment and jump on the couch and fall asleep. Which is odd for cats to do, or so I've been told.

When I finally am able to get this cat out of my place, it will go upstairs to the 2nd floor and go inside... then proceed to tear up their furniture and carpet.

Anyway, I just totally went off topic. I've been at work for 3 hours now and my phone hasn't rang once... I think I'm going to enjoy my book for a while now.
