Woman jailed after killing virtual husband


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
A 43-year-old Japanese player in a virtual game world became so angry about her sudden divorce from her online husband, she logged on with his password and killed his avatar.

She is now being held in a real-world prison on suspicion of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data.

While police have not yet formally charged the woman, she could face up to five years' jail if found guilty.

Police said the piano teacher used her online husband's ID and password to log onto the online game Maple Story to carry out the virtual murder.

They did not believe she had plotted any revenge in the real world.

In August, a woman was charged in the US state of Delaware with plotting the real-life abduction of a boyfriend she met through the virtual reality website Second Life.


ow man, i became a progrocker since i discovered the opeth's influences, and i was boring listening new metal bands making the same metal that i've listening since 91.

you know that i love technichal bands, like bands from technical death metal and many others, but i never forgot the good heavy metal.

in fact, i'm listening to prog rock and jazz fusion more than never, but i still enjoying heavy metal, hardcore and grindcore.

last friday i saw mayhem in another town. very nice. the songs from de myteriis dom sathanas were awesome, as funeral fog and freezin' moon, but it's not my cup of tea at this moment.

sometimes i take my dusty cds and put on my stereo. razor, sacrilege b.c., exorcist, all these stuff, but most of time i listen to prog rock bands.

i guess i'm getting crazy :lol:
She's not in trouble for 'killing(deleting) virtual husbands character', she's in trouble for the way she was able to gain access to his account.

"She is now being held in a real-world prison on suspicion of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data."

Its just another sensationalist bullshit article.
Yeah she does, the electric chair for that bitch! fry the fuck out of her head until it catches on fire