Shut up you whino...mine isn't even down to my shoulders....but i have a very cool goatee though 

Janina said:Same hereI use those to tease my hubby when he's at work, sending them by e-mail and making sure that I'll have loads of fun with him when he comes back home
@Tut, don't worry, it's not all about the hair you know..?
E_x_a_c_t_l_y.Fenrir13 said:I don't think you can own a person in the end, so whatever makes 'em happy, go right ahead, but i want the same respect.
Fenrir13 said:I don't think you can own a person in the end, so whatever makes 'em happy, go right ahead, but i want the same respect.
Yeah well I didnt agree on total freedom either, so it's not like i'd accept if my bf would suddenly dissapear for 2 months and would send me a card from Nepal coz that's what'd make him happyHeavenscent said:I partially agree with that. It's a good thing when you (or at least I) know that a person deserves your/my trust. Total freedom in a relationship with me would never work...enough freedom would, I think a kind of agreement on forehand is not a bad thing, it can save both from quite an amount of heartache..
_Zsuzsa_ said:Just a random question that popped into my mind: how come that we can only be the meanest with the one we really love? I mean, i realized that one person precious to you can trigger the biggest anger, sadness and desperation and when we hit back it's so mean and under the belt that we regret if afterwards. And we even love the person but still cause him/her pain from time to time...(not phisical pain of course)
I mean, if I'm down because of my partner i'd answer him in such a manner to make him feel guilty about what he did/or didnt do. Of course i slap myself mentally after that but still wondering why does it happen this way..
_Zsuzsa_ said:Just a random question that popped into my mind: how come that we can only be the meanest with the one we really love? I mean, i realized that one person precious to you can trigger the biggest anger, sadness and desperation and when we hit back it's so mean and under the belt that we regret if afterwards. And we even love the person but still cause him/her pain from time to time...(not phisical pain of course)
I mean, if I'm down because of my partner i'd answer him in such a manner to make him feel guilty about what he did/or didnt do. Of course i slap myself mentally after that but still wondering why does it happen this way..