Women Talk

Janina said:
Same here :D I use those to tease my hubby when he's at work, sending them by e-mail and making sure that I'll have loads of fun with him when he comes back home ;)

@Tut, don't worry, it's not all about the hair you know..?

Good for you! I think that is great that you & hubby are like that. All married couples should keep things heated up like you two. :headbang: How long have you been married for? (if you dont mind me asking)
^We've been together for almost 11 years now and got married 6 years ago :) And we're still as active as we were in the beginning, I guess it's because we've got a lot of imagination ;) Actually, I know a few couples who has been together for only a few years and they're not even close to us when it comes to activity! :D

But that's the way we like it!
Marriage is still a foreign concept to me. I always told my friends that if I ever got married i would dance at each one of their weddings myself in front of everyone onstage cos i was so convinced i'd never get married. I mean for those who make it work i am friggin happy for ya, but i dunno. i could never picture myself wearin the ring.
i think im going to get married the day i turn 18 (only 7 more months now wooo). lol. but i dont really view it as something that is going to tie me back, change our relationship, etc. etc. i mean we practically are anyways, and even so i still get the freedom i want. it would just make it official i guess, so you know. it would be nice since we have the baby and all.

and p.s. rough sex is the only sex i prefer :tickled:
p.p.s. and yes i have taken pictures like that :cool: good times.
I'm a person who yearns for steadiness and a permanent relationship with a good partner, so it's not even a question if i'll get married or not. I will, it's only a matter of time ;) But someome in particular told me that if it'd ever happen, he'd want it to be like the wedding in Braveheart; with lots of dancing on the soft lap of nature. Methinks it's a very romantic idea.

What about you guys? Would you a prefer formal wedding or a bit different one? (explain :p )
we wanna get married on a lake/beach something along side the water, i REALLY wanna wear a kilt for the ceremony, but she doesnt want me to :( but we still got awhile to actually think of how we'll want it...so yeah, ask her :p
Just a random question that popped into my mind: how come that we can only be the meanest with the one we really love? I mean, i realized that one person precious to you can trigger the biggest anger, sadness and desperation and when we hit back it's so mean and under the belt that we regret if afterwards. And we even love the person but still cause him/her pain from time to time...(not phisical pain of course)
I mean, if I'm down because of my partner i'd answer him in such a manner to make him feel guilty about what he did/or didnt do. Of course i slap myself mentally after that but still wondering why does it happen this way..
it's because we can :p

i could go on and on about all the psicological (and phisiological) mechanisms that regulate the different outputs with different levels of intimacy, but it's fucking cold here and my hand hurts when i type :lol:

so basically, it's because of intimacy :p

and about marriage...

ARGH! :guh:
If for some reason I was ever gotten drunk enough where i'd actually agree to marry someone(fat chance, i might get drunk, but you'd have to hammer me beyond all belief*, screw traditional stuff, just lemme get married by Elvis or something :lol: Elvis, a bottle of Jack Daniels, some 80s metal and lock the door for a few days afterward. :D

But yeah, i also agree that sometimes you gotta be close to someone to be meanest to them..but i dunno. I guess i have been mean before to loved ones, and even doing stuff that is pretty wrong to them(them knowing or not...), but I dunno. In the end, I just tell my loved ones they are free to do what they want and stuff. I don't think you can own a person in the end, so whatever makes 'em happy, go right ahead, but i want the same respect.
Fenrir13 said:
I don't think you can own a person in the end, so whatever makes 'em happy, go right ahead, but i want the same respect.

I partially agree with that. It's a good thing when you (or at least I) know that a person deserves your/my trust. Total freedom in a relationship with me would never work...enough freedom would, I think a kind of agreement on forehand is not a bad thing, it can save both from quite an amount of heartache..
Heavenscent said:
I partially agree with that. It's a good thing when you (or at least I) know that a person deserves your/my trust. Total freedom in a relationship with me would never work...enough freedom would, I think a kind of agreement on forehand is not a bad thing, it can save both from quite an amount of heartache..
Yeah well I didnt agree on total freedom either, so it's not like i'd accept if my bf would suddenly dissapear for 2 months and would send me a card from Nepal coz that's what'd make him happy :lol:
But I _do_ want him to be happy but it's always better to share that feeling then just letting him go somewhere and think that 'well, im sure he's having a good time now'.
_Zsuzsa_ said:
Just a random question that popped into my mind: how come that we can only be the meanest with the one we really love? I mean, i realized that one person precious to you can trigger the biggest anger, sadness and desperation and when we hit back it's so mean and under the belt that we regret if afterwards. And we even love the person but still cause him/her pain from time to time...(not phisical pain of course)
I mean, if I'm down because of my partner i'd answer him in such a manner to make him feel guilty about what he did/or didnt do. Of course i slap myself mentally after that but still wondering why does it happen this way..

There must be some problem there, if you act mean to him as you say you do for no real reason. I dont believe in the saying "you only hurt the ones you love" thats a horrible saying...but anyway...my ex brought out the worst in me...I am not an angry person but I was with him. I needed to break things off because of that. You should really sit back and think as to why you act like that with him. I dont know you or your boyfriend and what type of relationship you two have.....Wish I could give you an answer to your question. but I do wish all works out for you. :wave:
_Zsuzsa_ said:
Just a random question that popped into my mind: how come that we can only be the meanest with the one we really love? I mean, i realized that one person precious to you can trigger the biggest anger, sadness and desperation and when we hit back it's so mean and under the belt that we regret if afterwards. And we even love the person but still cause him/her pain from time to time...(not phisical pain of course)
I mean, if I'm down because of my partner i'd answer him in such a manner to make him feel guilty about what he did/or didnt do. Of course i slap myself mentally after that but still wondering why does it happen this way..

i think it's cuz when we're so close to somebody, you know everything that makes them tick. like, i've never had a boyfriend [heh] but with my closest friends, both the guys and the gals, we always seem to be able to get on each other's nerves sometimes. and when you're feeling angry or sad, sometimes it's not even because of them; you just take it out on them because they're around you and your feelings make you do and say things that you wouldn't if you were in a better mood. it doesn't really help if you're a short-fuse, either...i know i am, and i have a hard time letting go of the things i say and do to my best friends when i get angry.