Woo Hoo...I received my projector shirt today!


May 21, 2002
North Bethesda, Maryland
I love it and can't wait to wear it. The front features the album cover and the back has a picture of the current band members (No Fredrik Johansson...sniff sniff...) and under the picture is written "Another no-night?"

I didn't see Adam scratch it off from the deleted items catalogue that I received so which means he probably still has more, so if you want to get your hands on this masterpiece contact Century Media Records UK.

On another note, I bought my In Flames - STYE CD today! It rules! I think it's their most emotional album. Go buy it!

Cheers! :headbang:
metal17 said:
I love it and can't wait to wear it. The front features the album cover and the back has a picture of the current band members (No Fredrik Johansson...sniff sniff...) and under the picture is written "Another no-night?"

I didn't see Adam scratch it off from the deleted items catalogue that I received so which means he probably still has more, so if you want to get your hands on this masterpiece contact Century Media Records UK.
Im about to send a mamoth order to good old Adam. I already have the Indifferent suns one... Its G-r-r-r-reat (I also got the signed haven poster and DD Digi pack.). I love century media!!! They have Nocturnal rites albums for like only 8£

@darktranq: www.centurymedia.net

Email Adam asking him for one and he'll send it over. its so cheap and great.

Im bout to get two Fintroll albums and a suidakra album. Its gonna be ace.
The "Final Resistance" shirt is probably the same one they sold at the gigs on the tour in 02.. with the Damage Done cover art on the front. I'm wearing mine right now.. w00t

Unless this is a totally different design.
WHy did they release an "indiferent suns" and a "different suns" one? Does one of them just have a typo on or sommat? I got the Indifferent suns one, but my mother shrank it in the wash... I dont mind looking like a gimp when wearing it though, small indignifying price to pay for being able to fly the DT flag.

To all you people with loads of DT shirts... how do you choose which to wear to gigs? I bet you all spend hours contemplating ;)
King Chaos said:
To all you people with loads of DT shirts... how do you choose which to wear to gigs? I bet you all spend hours contemplating ;)
I just take the one that is the least dirty at the moment.

-Villain (who knows nothing about a "Different Suns" -shirt)
King Chaos said:
WHy did they release an "indiferent suns" and a "different suns" one? Does one of them just have a typo on or sommat? I got the Indifferent suns one, but my mother shrank it in the wash... I dont mind looking like a gimp when wearing it though, small indignifying price to pay for being able to fly the DT flag.

To all you people with loads of DT shirts... how do you choose which to wear to gigs? I bet you all spend hours contemplating ;)
I only have 3, my recently acquired projector one, the haven tye-dye one and the damage done cover artwork one. I hardly get to wear them though, and the gigs here aren't too entertaining anymore so I don't go to any. I guess I have to wear them home or when going out.
King Chaos said:
To all you people with loads of DT shirts... how do you choose which to wear to gigs? I bet you all spend hours contemplating ;)
I just wear the only one that is in my size. ;)
recently i got The Gallery shirt from ebay, yes its official and The Mind's I Longsleeve from trading with a friend of mine who got it from osmose. Man i'm lucky. Now i'm missing haven and projector shirts.