Woo! I'm going to uni!!


Jul 28, 2005
After a lovely long night of waiting and LOTR-watching, got my A-level results and they have got me into uni!! So relieved right now...haven't been that nervous...ever!!

Just off now to collect my proper results slip and celebrate, so catch you guys tomorrow.
well anyone around london first friday of october, me and a large group of hot young single women will be celebrating one of my mates getting into UCL in london at Sin City, so come party with us :D
cavegirl said:
well anyone around london first friday of october, me and a large group of hot young single women will be celebrating one of my mates getting into UCL in london at Sin City, so come party with us :D

Sin City is awesome! :loco:
Just made it home after one very strange night....

Cheers for everything...twas great to finally get the wait over with!! I got AABB - A's in Maths and Further Maths, B's in History and Philosophy, so now I'm going to spend the next 3 years of my life at Warwick doing Maths.

Tonberry said:
He's blaintly gone on the piss: "catch you tommorow"

:loco: Maybe a little bit. I got to the first pub about midday and left the last one just before midnight. Went round to a few people's houses, before deciding at about 1am to go to the beach (Lyme Regis). An hour later, we arrived at the beach, built a sandcastle, walked along the promenade etc etc. THEN we thought it would be fun to continue our travels, so we headed down to Exeter. Spent some time there around about 4am, then headed off further south to Plymouth, where we raced a ferry, watched the sun rise and stuff. Then went on a very large 'detour' as we didn't have a map, to Looe via Tavistock. So we ended up having breakfast in Cornwall. Then we just bought some fudge and started back home.
I feel suprisingly alright, seeing as I think I've managed to grab 3 hours sleep since wednesday morning :loco:

cavegirl said:
well anyone around london first friday of october, me and a large group of hot young single women will be celebrating one of my mates getting into UCL in london at Sin City, so come party with us :D

Sounds like a plan!! Never actually been to this so called 'Sin City' before, but man it sounds good!!
it is good indeed, you go in looking for a good time and you come out..well...err...i never remember coming out tbh, but i always seem to make it home..................:oops: