"Woods 3" review on Sputnik music

This guy at Global Domination (never heard of it) is everything that's wrong with the scene, IMO. He has no business reviewing our CD other than to try to discourage others from listenining. That's wasn't the least bit contsructive. His attitude shines through and all he meant was jealous harm. + It's obvious he just downloaded the album, did zero research and purged his shit review to make himself feel good. Again, think where you stand in the scene! What do you contribute? Stuff likes this only makes it a shittier place to be, especially for bands working their hearts out to make a little bit of music. There is no good excuse for this.

Quite honestly Dave, after reading that review, I don't think he even listened to the album. What a dickface!
I remain steadfast. That's impression that the review gave me, so that's that. However, thanks for registering, and posting! + I appreciate your response.
No problem. And just to clarify: Mike is not actually a staff member at Sputnikmusic, but he's been a member of the community for a long time, so he was genuinely taking time out of his day to promote music he loves. Not to say your reaction was unjustified, but you should take it as high praise of your music that he decided to write about the album at all because, if nothing else, it's more proof that your music connects with people on an intimate level.

And as a professional reviewer, I can fully agree with your point that a band's relevance is better gauged by how much you're discussed than by how highly they're rated. Avenged Sevenfold's album was almost universally panned by metal critics, yet it comfortably outsold my entire top 10 of 2007 combined.
No problem. And just to clarify: Mike is not actually a staff member at Sputnikmusic, but he's been a member of the community for a long time, so he was genuinely taking time out of his day to promote music he loves. Not to say your reaction was unjustified, but you should take it as high praise of your music that he decided to write about the album at all because, if nothing else, it's more proof that your music connects with people on an intimate level.

+ As an aside, staff member or not, I'd rather see anyone who reviews music for a website to do it in a tasteful and professional (true, well researched and accurate) way that would be on par with the staff writers. This would be the editors job I guess.

And as a professional reviewer, I can fully agree with your point that a band's relevance is better gauged by how much you're discussed than by how highly they're rated. Avenged Sevenfold's album was almost universally panned by metal critics, yet it comfortably outsold my entire top 10 of 2007 combined.

Wow! Good shit!

Thanks again for posting man. :kickass:
I dunno... if you can't handle your 'lifes work' being viewed by others (however inferior and lacking in talent those others may be...) poorly, I really think you're in the wrong game ;) Expecting that all reviews posted online are going to be done in a manner you think 'good' seems a tad optimistic, I'm sure you realise this... I like the album, though do find the lyrics sometimes lacking in subtlety, sometimes contributing to a slightly 'forced' feel about the album, *to me*. The more metaphorical tones of pursuit worked better for my ear. Perhaps there is some deeper purpose to this that is lost on me - regardless, that is how I perceive the album.

I wouldn't get too hung up on perfection mate - "Satisfaction will come and in time it will leave us unsatisfied" :)

Also, to those having a go at the globaldomination guy because he's referring to pagan metal - it's pretty clear that he's talking about the sound, not the lyrical content.
I'm sure you realise this... I like the album, though do find the lyrics sometimes lacking in subtlety, sometimes contributing to a slightly 'forced' feel about the album, *to me*. The more metaphorical tones of pursuit worked better for my ear. Perhaps there is some deeper purpose to this that is lost on me - regardless, that is how I perceive the album

Yeah I can see that. W3 was meant to be a blunt contrast from "Pursuit..." in sound, mood, message and delivery. Some people love one album and the hate the other, while some people feel the exact opposite. It's all very interesting to me really. But I absolutely agree that "how you perceive" the album is the end result, regardless of our intentions, how long it took, how much work was done and how much money was spent making it, etc... All that other frustrating reasoning that an artist can do to defend their expectations of a piece of work while acting that he or she is above the listeners and claiming to having not been understood by an ignorant audience, is all beside the point of doing any of this in the first place. All that really counts are people's impressions of the album, how it made them feel, weather or not they enjoyed it, or if it brought something positive to their lives. As artits, I feel that our goal is to communicate, not perplex. Because there is often more behind our music than abstract thought open to interpretation, I can see how in contrast with "Pursuit...", W3 might come off as abrasively direct, or 'forced'. In the end, if you are making music/art for yourself first and foremost (which is the case with WoY), you can't reasonably get too upset or frustrated if the masses don't all like it. It's just a bonus if people end up liking it.

Anyways, I'd much rather have these types of dicussions when a new WoY album is released instead of being accused of writing the same album over and over again. I don't feel the need to contest every bad review, but I do sometimes have the desire to clarify when what I read about us is false or unjust, which I happen to find happens a lot. It's all cool, though. We are a love 'em /hate 'em kind of band and we know this (and maybe even like it this way!). :)

Thanks for posting! :kickass: