Woodspeople on Facebook...

Signing up there fuckin paid off now

btw. Don't get me wrong but will the sound quality of the actual record be slightly better?
^ Yeah, I asked Dave last night, he said "its getting there", so no, thats not the final mix.
Added you, DG. Anyone else, feel free to add me on facebook (I'm Ronald, by the way). I can't believe the album will be in my hands soon.
^ Hahaha

So when's the expected release? Early November?

Edit: BTW, favourite songs of the new ones I've heard are The Thrill of the Struggle, Ontario Town, and Years of Silence, probably in that order, though I am more familiar with the ones that were on the myspace. They're all freaking amazing though. I can't actually this album is coming out. My expectations have been SUPER high to be honest, and the new songs are completely living up to them, and they're not even fully mixed and everything. Plus its gonna be a 70 minute album, not 40 or something. OH GOD NEED
Right.... So I finally managed to sign up at Facebook (I´m waaaay better at it when I´m sober, haha!) and joined the WoY group.
Although i don't have facebook, it sounds like everyone's really impressed... i don't think i could be anticipating this album more
So it is being pressed this month? Holy hell, I am getting my pre-order out tomorrow, epic win.
I just added all your songs on my profile. They are amazing, just like all of your songs. Your Ontario Town has to be my favorite song of the year. I also have a feeling that Woods III is going to be Album of Year. Can't wait to get it.