woohoo! Got my bands new EP back from the studio!


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Hey guys! Well, i've finally recieved the final version of my bands 1st EP!
It really does sound good, and much better than i had ever hoped!

It would be ever so kind of you guys and i would love it if you could check out some of the tracks from it, in fact, it would be swell of you!

I'm hoping to submit perhaps one of the more main stream songs (sadly ) to all the unsigned bands websites to get our name round a bit etc. , so if you could say which one of the 5 you preffered??

That would be legendary!!! You lot may prefer the Prince or Ghost from tomorrow i think??


Thanks very much if you could take the time

(p.s sorry if i sound like an idiot, but we've been out tonite on the piss for a few beers and it may have taken it's toll lol )


Just as Matt redirects people to the musicians' forum, we need an offical person to redirect people to the band promotion thread. Any takers?
i can;t listen to it tonight, as it's very late and my parents would be woken ujp by any computer noises =( i'll make sure i listen to it in the morning thouhg! though i also have been out for a "few" beers........so it may be more like the afternoon, lol ^_^