X-JAPAN REUNION!! WOOHOO!!!:) Repost from Myspace

I still need to hear the song "I.V.". Claus - the past two years I've been at PPUSA. I go to anyone that I see is selling imports and ask "do you have any X Japan?" I get the same answer = "We carry them but didn't bring any."

Anyone else had this happen to them?
"(Viking/Folk/Celtic/Pagan/Black)" are probably not the only things you listen to, but even so, this is what I mean by saying theres something in X-Japan for almost anyone:) Thanks for letting us know you also love X-Japan:)

Oh hey, did anyone get to see Saw 4 yet and check if I.V. was playing in the credits at the end?

Yeah... I am mostly a hair band FREAK! I love almost all styles of metal... NO NU-METAL. The rest I listen to. You should do a post that people post their all-time favorite bands. You will get some borring lists and then some good ones.
PS: Oh, I gotta comment on this - I saw "Element Man" had named his band "ELDGAMMEL", hahahaha - tha'ts so freakin' awesome. I'm guessing that you wanted to call it "Ancient" but in Nordic language, right? Well, it doesn't really mean that, it's more like "really really old dude", hehe ... thanks for the best laugh this morning :-)
Haha, there's a story behind that, trust me. We were originally trying to do the word 'ancient', and I sent it to a norwegian friend of mine to make sure it was correct, and he said told us what it actually meant. We thought it was hilarious, so we just went with it. North Americans won't be able to tell, and if you put the meaning of thw word aside, it's a really good band name I think. :lol:
X-JAPAN RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If they ever would play at ProgPower it would be soooo fantastic. Glenn, you better book 'em!


PS: Oh, I gotta comment on this - I saw "Element Man" had named his band "ELDGAMMEL", hahahaha - tha'ts so freakin' awesome. I'm guessing that you wanted to call it "Ancient" but in Nordic language, right? Well, it doesn't really mean that, it's more like "really really old dude", hehe ... thanks for the best laugh this morning :-)

That would be so awesome if Glenn did book X-Japan. MAN it would be the best PP!!!
I still need to hear the song "I.V.". Claus - the past two years I've been at PPUSA. I go to anyone that I see is selling imports and ask "do you have any X Japan?" I get the same answer = "We carry them but didn't bring any."

Anyone else had this happen to them?

I have the song I.V. in the beginning part of the thread if you didn't see/hear it. The second one you can hear the song pretty well. I also added it at my profile at myspace. YAY!:) Someone I added with an X-JAPAN site finally added both I.V. AND the short radio edit version of Art of Life! I know which song I'm using next!:)

If you want a pretty good selection of X-Japan videos and cds yesasia.com has some. Theres one other place on the tip of my tongue who also sells a good variety of X-Japan stuff...OH YEA its jpophelp.com!
Some X Japan stuff I just found there: http://www.jpophelp.com/scripts/new...tistORD=X+Japan&dnum=200&majorcategory=VISUAL
Hope that helps you or anyone else wanting to get some X-Japan music and or videos. I've bought from both so I can vouch for them in that they do send what you buy.
Just getting into X - Japan. Can you guys and girls (several of whom seem to be uber-fans :P) recommend some of their best releases (and preferably favorite tracks) for me? Loved the clip for I.V. and wondering where to start in checking out their discography.
Art of Life is easily my favorite release from them, but it's 30 minutes so I'm not sure if you can consider it an album. Blue Blood is my favorite of their full-length releases.
Just getting into X - Japan. Can you guys and girls (several of whom seem to be uber-fans :P) recommend some of their best releases (and preferably favorite tracks) for me? Loved the clip for I.V. and wondering where to start in checking out their discography.

THe first three are all excellent, power metalish albums:

Vanishing Vision
Blue Blood
Just getting into X - Japan. Can you guys and girls (several of whom seem to be uber-fans :P) recommend some of their best releases (and preferably favorite tracks) for me? Loved the clip for I.V. and wondering where to start in checking out their discography.

COOL! Let me just post a few of my favorite songs that I've found good clips for on YouTube.

"X" - from back in the day with the wild hair and outfits! I can still feel the intensity 15+ years later! If you ask me what show I would travel back in time to see, this would be it.

"Kurenai" - this one really picks up around 1:42 and the last 2 minutes are truly amazing! Look at the size of that crowd! EVERYONE is on their feet and singing! :rock:

"Crucify My Love" - ballad, but boy these guys sure can sing and play!

"Art of Love - Part 1/4" - there are links to all 4 parts, I encourage you to check them out if you haven't heard this song already. It's their longest tune, and is really quite amazing. Epic! :cool:
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COOL! Let me just post a few of my favorite songs that I've found good clips for on YouTube.

"X" - from back in the day with the wild hair and outfits! I can still feel the intensity 15+ years later! If you ask me what show I would travel back in time to see, this would be it.

"Kurenai" - this one really picks up around 1:42 and the last 2 minutes are truly amazing! Look at the size of that crowd! EVERYONE is on their feet and singing! :rock:

"Crucify My Love" - ballad, but boy these guys sure can sing and play!

"Art of Love - Part 1/4" - there are links to all 4 parts, I encourage you to check them out if you haven't heard this song already. It's their longest tune, and is really quite amazing. Epic! :cool:

Great choices!:)
Just getting into X - Japan. Can you guys and girls (several of whom seem to be uber-fans :P) recommend some of their best releases (and preferably favorite tracks) for me? Loved the clip for I.V. and wondering where to start in checking out their discography.

Art of Life (prog/power) is my favorite song of all, arguably one of the best of all time..it's actually gotten that distinct recognition online from what I have seen (can't remember if it was best metal song or just best song period but either I think are good things). Kurenai (power metalish), Dahlia, Silent Jealousy (Power), Rose of Pain (prog), Silent Screaming (folkish ballad), Rusty Nail (power), Blue Blood (Power/Punkish), Forever Love (ballad), Tears (ballad), X, Love Replica (french experimental?), Endless Rain (ballad), Drain (rock industrial?)..some great songs to check out I think. Perhaps if you get the "BEST" cd collection you will get a good selection from them in that.

To preview the new X-JAPAN VIDEO (PV) for the new song "I.V." from the credits for the movie Saw IV, go to:


To hear a preview of the song "I.V":


To preview the new X-JAPAN RETURNS DVD:


MP3 SINGLE "I.V." available at iTunes!:

You can also buy the brand new song "I.V." available at iTunes in almost 1 week, on January 28th 2007! This will be the only song I will have ever bought from iTunes to date.

FOR SOME DETAILS on their new soon to be released MP3, Ringtones, CD that includes 2 NEW songs I.V and Without You (dedicated to/about their former world reknowned guitarrist who passed away, Hide pronounced Hee-Dae), NEW DVD(s), and their 2 DAY LIVE CONCERT (may be only a once in a lifetime event from what I am hearing:/..) below!:

Saturday, 19 January 2008

NEW SONG "I.V." Worldwide Release on iTUNES
First Japanese artist world domination!
From 2008 January 23rd (Wed)
X JAPAN new song "I.V." to be released worldwide on iTunes
From 2008 January 23rd (Wed), the world-wide theme song of "SAW 4", "I.V." will be
released in 23 countries in the world

(Japan, Korea, America, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, France, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Holland, Norway, Austria, Portugal, Swiss, Sweden)
Thailand, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong release coming soon!

NEW SONG "I.V." RINGTONE/full ringtones available on music.jp
from 2008 Jan 23rd (Wed)
"I.V." Ringtones available on cellular site music.jp

X JAPAN New Release ALBUM!
2008 X Month X Day Japanese "BEST" ALBUM To be Released
New songs "I.V.", "WITHOUT YOU" included! First Japanese songs best album to be released

2008 Feb 29 (Fri)
(New song "I.V." PV will be included as a special feature on "Complete DVD-Box" only)
Product number: GNBL-7004 / 18,900 Yen (tax incl.)
* X JAPAN RETURNS Complete 1993.12.30 /
Product number: GNBL-7005 / 5,250 Yen (tax incl.)
* X JAPAN RETURNS Complete 1993.12.31 / Product number: GNBL-7006 / 5,250 Yen (tax incl.)

X-JAPAN IS PLAYING LIVE together for the first time in 10 years on March 28th+30th!!!

X JAPAN Tokyo Live March 2008
Saturday, 19 January 2008



I.V. ~Towards Destruction~

March 28 (Fri) Tokyo Dome ~ Destruction Night ~ Open 16:30/Start 18:30
March 30 (Sun) Tokyo Dome ~ Creation Night ~ Open 16:00/Start 18:00

For details:






Bookmark them at:
Do you know all this yet?

September 13, 2008
Madison Square Garden
New York City, NY

I know I'll be there. I think Kaosaur is planning on it. Dominick, you in for this too? Everyone who is going, let's organize a pre-show meetup and get some food or something. I know it's close to PP but it's a pretty rare show.


An official ten year anniversary rock festival for hide has been announced!

The rumor is confirmed! There will be a tribute to hide on May 3rd and 4th, 2008. Matsumoto-san passed from this world on May 2nd, 1998. Every year there is a musical celebration for him in Japan, but for the big one zero anniversary, over a dozen artists are going to pack Ajinomoto Stadium for two days of rock!


I found out about the summit weeks ago while digging up my travel info for last week's T.M. Revolution show, but I'm surprised that Blabbermouth JUST NOW announced it. I would have thought they'd be all over this and the MSG announcement! Well, it's too late to go to the summit, but please keep you eyes open for a place in the U.S. that is simulcasting it via satellite! I hope there is one! ;_;