X-JAPAN REUNION!! WOOHOO!!!:) Repost from Myspace

Ten years ago today, this world lost someone.
But it wasn't just any someone. It was hide.

He was a brilliant songwriter, versatile singer,
haunting lyricist, and probably one of the most
amazing guitar players who ever lived.

He was a legend in every sense.

hide-sama. 1964-1998. ever free.
'your death could not kill our love for you'

Just an update on this, rumors are flying around online that the world tour has been cancelled indefinitely.

Yoshiki's (Drummer, Piano) health is rumored to have deteriorated badly. Some sources are quoting that he suffered a hernia after the last hide Memorial performance.

Yoshiki has had problems in the past with his neck and wrists - enough so he's had to take off a half year and a year before (in the 90's). Doctors told him then to quit drumming, but he obviously did not with these last shows.

What made it worst is he didn't wear the neck brace recommended either, and now they're saying his medical condition is serious - in essence, there's a chance the shows might be cancelled. If he had a slipped disk in his neck before, the fact its been 10+ years and he's not taking care of himself - he could eventual paralyze himself.

Again, this is all rumors - but its all over the media. It started popping up after he cancelled a press conference in Taiwan I believe
I read about this last night, too. This explains why Yoshiki hadn't actually booked MSG yet. (That's not common knowledge, please keep it that way). Part of me is concerned of course, but the other part is confused and let down. This is awful news on so many levels.

I have a friend who translates Toshi's blog. I'll have to check out what he says. Maybe there's some more info or details available.

This is the first time I've felt dread when clicking on a jrockrevolution.com URL. :erk: :erk:
It was rumor before, it's official now. At least it's only a postponement and not a cancellation....

This sucks..Yoshikis back is messed up..too messed up to fly, or play drums from what I understand..:/ I guess the only recourse would be for a tour bus, for them to get a new drummer, and have him only play piano?? A japanese friend of mine keeps me up to date..I was REALLY dissapointed in hearing this..She got to see them which is great for her, but Lord knows if we in the US will. Hopefully they will since theyre calling it a postponement as opposed to a cancellation? Hear any more news?
Do you know all this yet?

September 13, 2008
Madison Square Garden
New York City, NY

I know I'll be there. I think Kaosaur is planning on it. Dominick, you in for this too? Everyone who is going, let's organize a pre-show meetup and get some food or something. I know it's close to PP but it's a pretty rare show.


An official ten year anniversary rock festival for hide has been announced!

The rumor is confirmed! There will be a tribute to hide on May 3rd and 4th, 2008. Matsumoto-san passed from this world on May 2nd, 1998. Every year there is a musical celebration for him in Japan, but for the big one zero anniversary, over a dozen artists are going to pack Ajinomoto Stadium for two days of rock!


I found out about the summit weeks ago while digging up my travel info for last week's T.M. Revolution show, but I'm surprised that Blabbermouth JUST NOW announced it. I would have thought they'd be all over this and the MSG announcement! Well, it's too late to go to the summit, but please keep you eyes open for a place in the U.S. that is simulcasting it via satellite! I hope there is one! ;_;

Sorry I haven't been here in a while, but yes I WAS in till they postponed it:( Would have been cool to have met all you there. Oh well.. Yoshikis creative..maybe they can still do something this year?
Sorry I haven't been here in a while, but yes I WAS in till they postponed it:( Would have been cool to have met all you there. Oh well.. Yoshikis creative..maybe they can still do something this year?

Yeah I was really looking forward to it too! :( BUT, they are "unofficially" scheduling other shows around the world and said the NYC show WILL be rescheduled eventually, so maybe it is just a matter of time. A reliable source says to prepare for a Jan or Feb 2009 show in the U.S. but the band has been keeping us on our toes for months now so I'm not believing anything.

At the same time, Toshi's new super-group band "Toshi with T-Earth" is pretty cool! :cool: They just put up another song on their myspace and seem to be making a lot of fast progress. I think the myspace is:
Yeah I was really looking forward to it too! :( BUT, they are "unofficially" scheduling other shows around the world and said the NYC show WILL be rescheduled eventually, so maybe it is just a matter of time. A reliable source says to prepare for a Jan or Feb 2009 show in the U.S. but the band has been keeping us on our toes for months now so I'm not believing anything.

At the same time, Toshi's new super-group band "Toshi with T-Earth" is pretty cool! :cool: They just put up another song on their myspace and seem to be making a lot of fast progress. I think the myspace is:

If Yoshiki got the go ahead with the France show then I don't see why he woulnd't be able to do the other shows. I will be SO excited when/if they announce the US shows! Though I LOVE Toshis voice as he's my favorite singer besides Andre Matos I actually didn't care that much for the first track from his new band. I love his clean singing in X-Japan and solo stuff and the first track was too gritty for me. You know I actually didn't like Hides solos stuff at first, but later I did..so maybe it'll grow on me. I'm checking out the Myspace site for the other tracks..Jimney Crickets! Did you see the name of the 2nd song on there? Is that longer than Supercalifragalistickexpealadocious (sp)? Goodness:)
Not sure about the rest of the shows yet, and at this point I'm confused about what's postponed, confirmed, or rescheduled. As for the U.S. date, I bet we'll see something in Jan or Feb.

btw, I love Toshi with T-Earth, too! Who doesn't love a good supergroup? :P

Hey, a side thought.. how cool would it be if S.K.I.N. opened the shows for X JAPAN?!! I know it's just a fantasy.....
Not sure about the rest of the shows yet, and at this point I'm confused about what's postponed, confirmed, or rescheduled. As for the U.S. date, I bet we'll see something in Jan or Feb.

btw, I love Toshi with T-Earth, too! Who doesn't love a good supergroup? :P

Hey, a side thought.. how cool would it be if S.K.I.N. opened the shows for X JAPAN?!! I know it's just a fantasy.....

I'll keep my eyes/ears open with the new year on this then. Haha that would be awesome if S.K.I.N opened but I think poor Yoshikis head might fall off his neck brace from playing so much:)
Saw this classic vid in high quality on the tubes and thought I'd share it again here the the (still) unacquainted. Make sure to hit the HQ button.


What a concert!