Hermod's Ride To Hel (Guitar Pro)
For those of you without Guitar Pro.
Intro - G-tar 1
|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| X8
Intro - G-tar 2
|--------------------------------------------------------------------------9--9-9-9--9--9-9-9| X8
G-tar 3 (Comes in after intro is played twice)
|2--2--2--2-----------5--5--5--5-----------2--2--2--2-----------5-5-5-5-----------| X1
G-tar 3 (Still)
|2-2-2-2-----------2-2--2--2-2-----------5-5-5-5-----------5-5--5--5-5-----------| X2
Intro G-tar 3 (Yes, Still)
|--------------2--------------2---------------5--------------5| X2
I can't be screwed doing the rest now, But I shall later

, oh and thanks for the other tabs guys