WOOT!!! It's my birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMY!!!!!! and as we say UTINNI!!!!! Make your mom and dad take you somewhere good for dinner tonight. My Best wishes to an awesome little PYRAWARRIOR.
Congrats metal dude! :danceboy:
Have a blast and keep on growing. With all your talent and charisma, you're gonna be famous someday, :headbang: or like next year. :worship:
Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!

You should come to ProgPower every year :) Tell your daddy to take you, ok?
I want some wings now. Thanks a lot!

I think there's a place nearby... too lazy though. Bah.

Happy Birthday. Wish I could have seen you play. The violin is beautiful. Metal should use it more. Electric guitars are meant to sound like violins anyhow!
Wow, 11 and all ready into the good stuff. I think I was listening to Korn and Limp Bizkit at that age.

Happy birthday, kid.
Happy Birthday, Tomy!

While my lyrics are nowhere near the caliber of your dear ol' dad, please try to enjoy my little ditty anyway:

Tomy dressed as a druid
The notes he played were fluid
He amazed the crowd
Our response was loud
Got cheers instead of booéd
(if you pronounce the "ed" as "id" it works as a lame slant rhyme - at least in my head it does. :lol:)

Happy B-day #11... and here's to 80 or 90 more birthdays in the future. :)

[Edited to incorporate the information provided by Katie below - thanks, Katie!]