Mark the Music
Thorn23TX said:Happy Birthday, Tomy!
While my lyrics are nowhere near the caliber of your dear ol' dad, please try to enjoy my little ditty anyway:
Tomy dressed as a druid
The notes he played were fluid
He amazed the crowd
Our response was loud
Got cheers instead of boo-ed
(if you pronounce the "ed" as "id" it works as a lame slant rhyme - at least in my head it does. )
Happy B-day #11... and here's to 80 or 90 more birthdays in the future.
Haha, that's a cute song. Poets (especially Shakespeare when working with iambic pentameter) will add an acute accent mark over the e to have readers pronounce/stress the usually silent syllable. My laptop can't do it, but if you hold ctrl and press 130 on the side numberpad it should come out. [/nerd lecture]
At any rate, happy birthday kiddo, and I hope you have a great one! I've learned to ask for ProgPower tickets for my birthday... I hope you get something equally as amazing and metal!