WOOT!!! It's my birthday!

Thorn23TX said:
Happy Birthday, Tomy!

While my lyrics are nowhere near the caliber of your dear ol' dad, please try to enjoy my little ditty anyway:

Tomy dressed as a druid
The notes he played were fluid
He amazed the crowd
Our response was loud
Got cheers instead of boo-ed
(if you pronounce the "ed" as "id" it works as a lame slant rhyme - at least in my head it does. :lol:)

Happy B-day #11... and here's to 80 or 90 more birthdays in the future. :)

Haha, that's a cute song. Poets (especially Shakespeare when working with iambic pentameter) will add an acute accent mark over the e to have readers pronounce/stress the usually silent syllable. My laptop can't do it, but if you hold ctrl and press 130 on the side numberpad it should come out. [/nerd lecture]

At any rate, happy birthday kiddo, and I hope you have a great one! I've learned to ask for ProgPower tickets for my birthday... I hope you get something equally as amazing and metal! :rock:
"Growing fast I'm only one year old(er) now
But stronger and smarter somehow
I'm learning so fast
How long will this last
Yesterday seems like a long gone past"

Happy Birthday Tomy the Bonecarver!
13ShadesofGray said:
UTINNI!!!!! Being such a subjective language, in this case means.... EAT CAKE!!!

I wonder if the wish will be for not as many barf songs. ;) We love you, little dude.

OK that's what it means :lol: Mystery solved. Maybe we should confirm with J-Man, as he is the ranking Jawa linguist. :cool: Great work at PP Tomy...you rule little dude :rock: Hope you have a great Birthday:kickass:
Perpet said:
OK that's what it means :lol: Mystery solved. Maybe we should confirm with J-Man, as he is the ranking Jawa linguist. :cool: Great work at PP Tomy...you rule little dude :rock: Hope you have a great Birthday:kickass:
wooooohooooooo here again we have another meaning for "Utinni" and as usualy Colleen is correct, when "Utinni" is used in the context of happiness it means "Eat what makes you happy" in this case "Cake" Now if you are a Jawa and are pissed at someone it could mean "Eat Sh*t".

Okay next year at ProgPower there will be at least 8 people walking around with shirts on that will say UTINNI on the front and the literal translation on the back.:rock:
Pyramaze51 said:
wooooohooooooo here again we have another meaning for "Utinni" and as usualy Colleen is correct, when "Utinni" is used in the context of happiness it means "Eat what makes you happy" in this case "Cake" Now if you are a Jawa and are pissed at someone it could mean "Eat Sh*t".

Okay next year at ProgPower there will be at least 8 people walking around with shirts on that will say UTINNI on the front and the literal translation on the back.:rock:

I am so on the layout design for that!!! We'll need a couple for the Wookie lovers, too, though. ;)
Yeah, turning 11 rocked! I got a video I-Pod! (HOOOOOTTEEEEENEEEEE lol)
I also got a PSP and an amp for my violin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks everyone! Oh and speaking of BW3 (Buffalo Wild Wings) I actually didn't want to try the Blazin' because my dad said it tasted like stomach acid :yuk: lol
I love the Mango Habenero though! My birthday rocked, and I had a great time at Prog Power! Thanks! :rock: :kickass: :Smokin:
I refuse to grow up, so.....

edgeofthorns said:
For the love of God.........STAY YOUNG! :)

Happy Birthday!

Couldn't have said it better m'self! Congrats, Tomy!

Mosquito said:
The Jedi levelled up!


You made level! Allocate your new experience as you see fit:

-- Performance (violin) +1
-- general Jedi bad-assery +1
-- staffing merch table for dad +1
-- Jawa language skillz +1
-- time management to read PP Forum +1
-- homework +1