Worcester Palladium 5/1 New England Metalfest

I thought bodom completely stole the show...although iced earth was pretty good...by the time the iced played their second song i was already drained from bodom and went outside and hung out with roope for a bit and got a picture...very chilled out guy and incredible guitarist :headbang:
DUDE!!!!!!! The whole fest sucked except for bodom (i left after their set)
The power went out at 3:02 and didnt come back on til 6...but they decided too let every band play with shortend sets. So i made my way up front at 6 to make sure i had a good spot for bodom to get some nice pics (ill post them soon as i get them developed, prob by wed.)
Not only did i get into a fight with a hardcore punk ass, get punched in the jaw by some drunk goth cunt because i stepped on her toe (i stepped on her toe because her boyfriend was humping her and thus me for the duration of 3 band,) i also got kicked in the head atleast a dozen times, and got whiplash when a crowd surfer landed on my head.....BUT WHO CARES THE SHOW ROCKED!!!!! ill definately be on this years DVD for atleast 3 bands. it was fuckin worth it even though all the bands sucked. \\m// hope everyone else had as much fun as i did.
FUCKIN INSANE!!! i was psyched to be much closer this time around. hope your interview went well (and the challange)
well, check the philly thread. The challenge didn't happen due to a few circumstances, but let's say there is a raincheck on it. :D (Alexi was REAL hungover and dehydrated and the rest had too much of a head start. But drinking was done indeed!) And yeah, being right up front is the way to go! :D
Kataklysm were great too, along with the four bands before bodom, and Glass Casket (second band on the main stage), but there were a lot of bad bands.
Anyone see a tall guy walking around with blood on his face? That would be me :D I took a hit to the face from some fatass hardcore asshole while I was headbanging on the side during Kataklysm's set, and after punching the asshole in the face and knocking him over I smeared the blood on my face, walked to the Uranium table, scared Juliya, got a lot of great looks, then it dried and flaked off over a few hours (gone by bodom's set :()
during bodom's set I had an asshole crushing me and elbowing me in the head and spine trying to take my spot right in front, and I wasn't sure who it was or else he would've gotten his ass kicked. Afterwards he was insulting me and calling me weak... too bad IE was playing next or I would've punched the motherfucker in the face.

Next show I go to where there are hardcore ninja wannabes I'm gonna show them what a real ninja does and jump in the pit with a katana.
Steve said:
Kataklysm were great too, along with the four bands before bodom, and Glass Casket (second band on the main stage), but there were a lot of bad bands.
Anyone see a tall guy walking around with blood on his face? That would be me :D I took a hit to the face from some fatass hardcore asshole while I was headbanging on the side during Kataklysm's set, and after punching the asshole in the face and knocking him over I smeared the blood on my face, walked to the Uranium table, scared Juliya, got a lot of great looks, then it dried and flaked off over a few hours (gone by bodom's set :()
during bodom's set I had an asshole crushing me and elbowing me in the head and spine trying to take my spot right in front, and I wasn't sure who it was or else he would've gotten his ass kicked. Afterwards he was insulting me and calling me weak... too bad IE was playing next or I would've punched the motherfucker in the face.

Next show I go to where there are hardcore ninja wannabes I'm gonna show them what a real ninja does and jump in the pit with a katana.
DUDE!!! i saw saw you right up front a while later cuz you just had a dried blood ring around your face i wondered what thge fuck happened. it was fuckin crazy. i was right up front as well what a fuckin great show:headbang: :headbang:
Haha Steve I saw you as well, I was the kid with the vintersorg shirt who asked you if you were alright.

Apparently we were lucky bodom made it in the first place, they broke down in CN. If they missed it plus that whole electrical thing I would have been pissed and asked for my money back. All those hardcore bands sucked, though throwdown put on a pretty good show. I hate that straight edge shit.

Any of you guys see the girls that got the shit beaten out of them?
Satyrath said:
Any of you guys see the girls that got the shit beaten out of them?
nope....but if you saw the kid with the green hat (on or off) and black hair get in a pissing match with a hardcore kid that was me. fuckin prick
My girlfriend had blood dripping from her ear from getting hit where a cartilage piercing wasn't completely healed (about 3 months)

I should have pics to post by the end of the week too :)
hahhaa....I WAS!!! it was the only song by them i enjoyed. it was funny cuz all the hardcore kids kinda looked confused and all the metal heads were psyched
yeah i remember some hardcore kid in the pit with a fucking backpack on looking around like everyone had 2 heads or something.

comment on the hardcore and metal thing... i think this festival has sparked a war between metal and hardcore, and with the next palladium show being titled "Killswitch Engage vs. In Flames" i think its about to get worse.
bloody_trooper said:
yeah i remember some hardcore kid in the pit with a fucking backpack on looking around like everyone had 2 heads or something.

comment on the hardcore and metal thing... i think this festival has sparked a war between metal and hardcore, and with the next palladium show being titled "Killswitch Engage vs. In Flames" i think its about to get worse.
was that the short fat asshole kid who thought he was wicked funny running back and forth?

but killswitch is more metal than hardcore IMO. i very much enjoy them. i also think its funny that the drummer works at the place im looking to do my internship and the guitarist still teaches lessons at the shop down the street from me (im at westfield state college)
I hate slayer, but I love hearing other bands play their songs (unless these bands feature kerry king, in which case, fuck them)

this was about as good as seeing a kid in a slipknot shirt walk into a deicide/krisiun/hate eternal/mortician show :D