
Yeah I know. Official forum has a few but it seems to be down... now excuse me whileI lick your avatar...
Okey... a guy asked me to bring him some Dev bootlegs at the show. It's looking like he might not collect them. So, first person to walk up to me and ask about em gets the shit.
See you there. Just got off the phone with the Palladium. Going to take me 4-5 hours to get there in this shit so I wanted to be sure shit was still on.

Originally posted by kleo706
See you there. Just got off the phone with the Palladium. Going to take me 4-5 hours to get there in this shit so I wanted to be sure shit was still on.


oh my fucking god is all I can say. Devin and Gene tore that place up! I was at the very front, second "row" of people in front of dev, and when they blasted into Velvet Kevorkian for the encore, i just lost my shit, and i think everyone else did, too. pure craziness and dev worship, I think the crowd energy level during "all hail the new flesh" set a record, at least for me. I was all grins after that, he'd played one of my favorite metal songs and we all sang it right back at him!
Dark Tranquility were really great, too; they seemed to really feed off the excitement that was still in the air from SYL, and had a lot of fun playing for us. good vibes all around there, and a good setlist with some older songs and several new ones from 'damage done'.
Later, during Napalm Death's never-ending set, I was up by the bar and who fucking walks up? The man himself, Gene Hoglan; got myself an autograph and a handshake. fuckin' a.

as for Nile... i was beat from driving 4.5 hours (snowstorm) to get there and going nuts for 4 hours already at the show; Nile came out and opened with 'transforming into a snake' (i think). three words:


I dig nile as a band and waited through ND's very long set to hear them, but they were so loud i think i was feeling wind from the sound all the way back at the bar. i'm no pussy with volume, but as deaf as i already was from the first four bands, i can't believe how deafening they were at that point. i had to leave after a few songs; just couldn't believe the PA would even go that loud. if anyone else was there, what do you think? it was even very loud all the way outside by my car.. (maybe i'm getting old) it was almost 1am and i had a long drive home anyways..

cheers all, i'm going to crash for about 12 housr now..

Hey whats up I went to the show and it was awesome, I agree Nile was a little to loud, but still I sticked around to hear my fav songs by them. SYL rocked the house I was headbanging so much, and Devin was really funny and cool at the same time. DT rocked to and I'm a huge fan of their's and after the Napalm Death set I got up and talked to and shook hands of Mikael Stanne, Niklas SUndin, and Martin Brandstrum that was a dream come true later on I shook the hand of Michael Nikalson which was also neat, hey what did you think of The Berzerker impressed or not? ALl and all an excellent and show and I want to go again.
Originally posted by OpethChild23
what did you think of The Berzerker impressed or not?

hadn't heard them before, good opener for the show. they seemed to get people ready for the next four bands, which is what they're supposed to do. they sure were a long way from home, being from Australia. at least their masks were a little more creative than some of those 'other' mask-wearing bands. when i left to show, one of the DT guitar players was in the pizza shop next door picking up his order as i got a midnight snack. I just nodded and said hello.

I caught Gene and had a nice chat. Of course, I was on a content gathering mission from the sitemaster so... yeah.
Hey kleo you were the one sitting down with me and my friends in that little alcove in the back....right?

I had the Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing album and you came and talked about your history with devin
Yep. You dealt with me during one of my more "buzzed" moments. Sorry about that.
I'm always animated in person unless there's some sort of intestinal bug or something in the way of that. But even for me... hahaha yeah.