im seeing dev tomorrow night for the first time ever

Devy_Metal said:
man, the worcester show was awesome. a was pretty pissed at the fucker in the front row who was acting like he was SO bored during dev's set. i wanted to punch you in the fucking face you ignorant bastard. just realize devin has 1000 times the musical talent than all your favorite bands combined. !!!!

Devy_Metal said:
man, the worcester show was awesome. a was pretty pissed at the fucker in the front row who was acting like he was SO bored during dev's set. i wanted to punch you in the fucking face you ignorant bastard. just realize devin has 1000 times the musical talent than all your favorite bands combined.

that being said. great job by dev. amazing vocals and amazing guitar playing! that solo was incredible!!!!

I know what your talking about. My girlfriend was singing along to regulator and this guy in a Symphony X shirt standing in front of us started to stare back all annoyed. He kept staring straight back at us. It just made me scream louder just to get him all pissed off. :wave:

Its a SHOW, what do you expect us to do just stand there?!?
err......I was talking about the "devin has 1000 times the musical talent of all your favorite bands combined." and the "that solo was amazing" comments.

both false accusations.
Yea - I was at his show @ Toads Place. I've heard some of his stuff, it was decent, but I was unimpressed by his performance and showmanship. Saw him @ Soundcheck - seemed cool enough, it brought my hopes up, then were immediately shot down by the third song. the first 30 mins of his set would have lulled me to sleep if he wasnt doing this curling, whining scream (I'd listen to Linkin Park if I wanted that effect).

The second half of his set was better- his guitar feature , wouldnt really call it a solo h/o, impressed me, showed he knows howto play. I think a better setlist would have changed my feelings on him. As for the guy who said Devin is 1000x better than all thebands I listen to: Symphony X, Adagio, Bodom, NEvermore, Iced Earth, Blind Guardian, Into Eternity.. Devin doesn't compare.

Left with a bad taste in my mouth from Devin - Symphony X made up for it 1000x better than Devin, If only SX played longer.
I listen to: Symphony X, Adagio, Bodom, NEvermore, Iced Earth, Blind Guardian, Into Eternity.. Devin doesn't compare.

You're right Dev is far better than all the bands listed here, and this progressive power metal shit genre is hilarious and gay
That's not ignorant, that is an opinion. If you don't like Devin then fine but I don't think it is a good idea to come to a forum about him to tell that "the first 30 mins of his set would have lulled me to sleep if he wasnt doing this curling, whining scream (I'd listen to Linkin Park if I wanted that effect)." Not only is that statement offensive to every fan here on this board it is a blatant attempt at stirring shit up on a forum you will obviously not be participating in.

Geoff doesn't like SX, Adagio, Bodom, NEvermore, Iced Earth, Blind Guardian. Big deal. If you were expecting a big wankfest at a DTB show then you came to the wrong place, that was a few minutes after his show. If you like SX and don't have anything valuable to add to a conversation about Devin then go complain at the SX forum its right there:

As for my opinion: Yes, Devin is much better than any of the bands mentionned. Don't like it? then go ask your mum if I care.
Geoff doesn't like SX, Adagio, Bodom, NEvermore, Iced Earth, Blind Guardian. Big deal.

Thanks Simon, I can enjoy some of these bands songs but I'm not a fan that's true. However if I had the chance to see them life I would enjoy the show because on stage every bands have a different energy and it's always interesting to "taste" and "test" various stuff...
"Symphony X made up for it 1000x better than Devin"

your favourite progressive neoclassical metal band will forever be a progressive neoclassical metal band and will forever play a progressive neoclassical metal genre ....Understand that if I need to listen to Yngwie Malmsteen I play an Yngwie Malmsteem record, I don't need to listen to followers...
oldlyonfreak said:
Geoff doesn't like SX, Adagio, Bodom, NEvermore, Iced Earth, Blind Guardian. Big deal.

Thanks Simon, I can enjoy some of these bands songs but I'm not a fan that's true. However if I had the chance to see them life I would enjoy the show because on stage every bands have a different energy and it's always interesting to "taste" and "test" various stuff...

... and Blind Guardian are a GREAT live band (i haven't seen the others yet, maybe iced earth next year) - they to an awesome performance and create a great atmosphere!!
The Yngster said:
Yes because everybody who plays fast is an Yngwie clone :rolleyes:

Not a clone, a follower . There's only one Yngwie, Only one Steve Vai, Only one Jason Becker, Only one Michael Lee furkin, Only one steve Lukather, Only one Eddie van Halen, only one franck Zappa, Only one Ritchie Blackmore, Only one Jimmy page, Only one John Petrucci, only one joe satriani AND ONLY ONE DEVIN TOWNSEND :)
Willith said:
And what the hell are you talking about prog. metal is gay? DTB IS PROG. Ask Devin if he thinks he's better than Romeo, cause you seriously need to be shut up.
On the same token, ask Devin if he considers his work prog and he would likely reject that label. As for Romeo being "better", who cares? And that point can easily be counteracted by saying that Devin is a better songwriter. I doubt that either band saw the tour as a competition.
Willith said:
This guy is flat out saying Devin is better than just about everyone on Earth.

To quote one of my biggest fan on this forum :

"Jesus Christ dude, how many times have you posted on this thread today? Why don't you do something with your life...or at least go outside."
Willith said:
Ask Devin if he thinks he's better than Romeo, cause you seriously need to be shut up.

Devin is different and that what matters to me ... I don't care about who is better, I just listen to the music in its most simple form